My baby didn't like 粥 at the beginning, so I make 食物泥 for her, and she likes it very very much.
I am in Singapore now, I use a very cheap blender, not good. But once I go back to HK, I will buy a better blender. I think Philips is good.
My baby used to eat 3 times a day when she was 7-8 months, and she was very healthy and fat. Now the daycare centre feed her 粥, she is losing weight now.
I will start feeding her 食物泥 3 times a day again soon, I am hoping that she will gain weight again.
You freeze one meal in one plastic box, so you have many plastic boxes for many meals. Freezing the food will not lose the nutrients, but when you heat up the food, it is better to steam it rather than you cook it again. Make sure you put it in freezer, but just the fridge.
The nutrition should be better than congee (粥仔).
When I go home, I will use chinese to type it. 和粥仔的質感有分別, the texture of this baby food is smooth, usually baby like it more. However, you have to have 攪拌機.
My almost 8-month bb just hasn't shown any interest in congee, may be because we, the parent seldom eat congee. but my bb love other foods which r blended, partly because of the texture. I found him seldom chewing even there're already 4 teeth.
I'll try freeze the baby food in the freezer, as I have a very good steamer and my maid always blend lots of baby food everytime, most of which is wasted. that's bad.
here's the sharing, my bb's beloved:
one egg yolk, 120ml formula milk and mince pork(I prefer blending at home), mix, seperate into two bowls, steam for 5 mins after the water boiling.
One more thing I want to ask is, should I thaw the frozen baby food before steaming it? Otherwise shoul I steam the frozen one as soon as getting it out of the freezer, BUT for a longer time? which way will lose more nutrition?
BTW, I just steamed broccoli and fish for my BB , and freezed yesterday, and served today. the same taste. but I steamed it directly from the freezer. He loves them, and so far so good, resulted in green poopoo.