




積分: 10070

發表於 09-11-8 14:20 |只看該作者
昨天有個朋友說,他的朋友的菲傭在搵工,可以介紹給我。我跟菲姐聯絡過,她說她已經finished contract, 於是我就馬上去 in 她。現在我有 d 野不明白:

(1) 她說她跟剛完約的僱主做了11年幾,現在僱主要移民,所以要 terminate contract。
**問題:即是說不是"完約",而是被 terminated?

(2) 菲姐說,僱主的"解僱理由"是 financial problems,因爲這個"解僱理由"會導致她不可以囘菲律賓的,她說當地入境處不會讓她入境的。所以必須要在這14天内找到新僱主,之後才能回國 wor ....



積分: 219771

畀面勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 2011精緻種植勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 王國長老 BK猜猜猜慶中秋 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-11-8 16:10 |只看該作者
(2)似乎係講大話, 我只香港工人如果係老闆financial problem被炒, 工人可以即時轉新僱主, 唔駛返菲律賓一轉

另外, 菲律賓人對於所有菲律賓人黎講, 都係friend! 你要對freind呢個詞語小心d
原帖由 i_love_miffy 於 09-11-8 02:20 PM 發表
昨天有個朋友說,他的朋友的菲傭在搵工,可以介紹給我。我跟菲姐聯絡過,她說她已經finished contract, 於是我就馬上去 in 她。現在我有 d 野不明白:

(1) 她說她跟剛完約的僱主做了11年幾,現在僱主要移民,所以要 terminate ...


積分: 232

發表於 09-11-8 16:14 |只看該作者
佢俾你嘅原因都好自打咀巴wor,完約有点會係terminate contract,咁佢舊僱主即係移民定係financial problem呀?佢自己都唔知自己講緊乜.似乎用一個大話去come另一個大話bor,講到自已都亂哂.仲有從未聽過僱主有financial problem菲律賓會唔俾佢返老家,關佢咩事?佢地自已係香港欠到一身債都可以走佬返鄉下啦,D大話似乎低B左些小,係香港做咗11年,都算係金牌老seafood.奉勸樓主如非急要人用,再考慮清楚吧!
原帖由 i_love_miffy 於 09-11-8 14:20 發表
昨天有個朋友說,他的朋友的菲傭在搵工,可以介紹給我。我跟菲姐聯絡過,她說她已經finished contract, 於是我就馬上去 in 她。現在我有 d 野不明白:

(1) 她說她跟剛完約的僱主做了11年幾,現在僱主要移民,所以要 terminate ...


積分: 17266

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章

發表於 09-11-8 18:25 |只看該作者
我 terminate 過 9-1/2年的菲傭, 因為日日俾財務公司搔擾, 搞到要轉電話號碼, 上差館備案, 但係佢有本事留係香港搵到新老闆, 當中有甚麼大話, 欺騙手段就唔知啦, 個新老闆又無打電話哩問下點 ... 摟主, 真係無其他選擇?
唔好俾個長service record 騙到你

原帖由 i_love_miffy 於 09-11-8 14:20 發表
昨天有個朋友說,他的朋友的菲傭在搵工,可以介紹給我。我跟菲姐聯絡過,她說她已經finished contract, 於是我就馬上去 in 她。現在我有 d 野不明白:

(1) 她說她跟剛完約的僱主做了11年幾,現在僱主要移民,所以要 terminate ...

淡淡的來, 好好的去 ....


積分: 10070

發表於 09-11-8 22:10 |只看該作者
她的 service record 都是我的考慮因素之一。我都覺得她是老 seafood, 就當她無欺騙我,我都有點擔心請咗她之後如果她玩野,我就會好慘。。。


仲有,她跟我說visa 要每年續的,所以一定要出境(我夠知啦)。我話你自己去一次澳門或大陸咪得lor, 點知她說她來了HK十幾年都未試過去第d地方,o甘我問她怎樣續visa, 她就說她的前僱主每年都比她囘菲律賓!(~ o甘吋?!)

我同她講,如果要打我工,我是不可能比你放advance,更加不會因爲要續visa而比你返鄉下,o甘你就要試下去其他地方喇(macau or china)。她黑住面 say ""yes mum".

我想問, o甘如果真係有工人因爲僱主移民或照顧的老人家過身而被解雇,是否都可以不用囘國,可以即時轉新僱主呢?


積分: 12612

發表於 09-11-8 22:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 i_love_miffy 於 09-11-8 22:10 發表
她的 service record 都是我的考慮因素之一。我都覺得她是老 seafood, 就當她無欺騙我,我都有點擔心請咗她之後如果她玩野,我就會好慘。。。


仲有,她跟我說visa ...

我都聽過如果 employer 係移民 ge 原因而 terminate 係唔駛返去!


積分: 90952

2025勳章 2025勳章蛇年勳章 2024年龍年勳章 牛年勳章

發表於 09-11-8 22:50 |只看該作者
1) should ask for for the ex-employers mobile number to verify why she is terminated...could be other reasons..she may be lying

2) if financial problem is the real reason, she does not have to return to Phil and apply a job from there, waiting at least 2-3 months and pay 6-months salary as commission. If she can get a job within 14 days, she can stay in HK and start earning $$ asap, commission is only a few hundred HKD. That is why she wants a job within 14 days instead of going back.

Phil govt will NEVER refuse her return. She appears to be dishonest or mistaken.


積分: 2742

發表於 09-11-8 23:36 |只看該作者
I terminated a Bun last month cos she is a big liar and she stole things from my house like crazy....she worked for the same employer for 12 yrs before she worked for me and I also talked to her ex-boss, who said she is 'clean on hands & feet'......

But, still, she lied on whatever she can.....besides stealing, she really loves to have her own ideas to do this and that but at the very first month, very behaved. I have 2 dogs, one of them has 'human food allergy' and can cause serious skin problem....told her thousand times not to feed my dog with her own bread...but she wants to please the dogs to 'follow her more', she did it in front of us...when my sister shouted at her 'You don't give the bread to my dog', she dared to say 'siu siu la'...then my sister said 'siu your X X'...but she still quickly put the bread inside my dog's month....

Well, I think the bun who stays in HK for too long, is too 'gu wak' and can lie like they're telling the truth.....The one that i fired, her first name is "MargariXX"...


積分: 10070

發表於 09-11-8 23:40 |只看該作者
Tks, Jasmine.

我想搞清楚,以下呢d 情況有否需要回老家呢:

- 前僱主移民,工人馬上找到新僱主
- 照顧開的婆婆過咗身,工人馬上找到新僱主


唉,我個公主昨天早上6點突然 pack 好曬行李同我講要馬上走,又要同她去agent又要買機票。。。搞到我成個亂曬 + 散曬。。。


積分: 10070

發表於 09-11-9 00:00 |只看該作者
cutiebee, 可否把這個極品全名PM我?


積分: 90952

2025勳章 2025勳章蛇年勳章 2024年龍年勳章 牛年勳章

發表於 09-11-9 00:13 |只看該作者
原帖由 i_love_miffy 於 09-11-8 23:40 發表

我想搞清楚,以下呢d 情況有否需要回老家呢:

- 前僱主移民,工人馬上找到新僱主
- 照顧開的婆婆過咗身,工人馬上找到新僱主

I am not sure tho I think the answer is no need to return, u had better ask Immigration directly at 2824 6111.


積分: 10070

發表於 09-11-9 00:42 |只看該作者
原帖由 cutiebee 於 09-11-8 23:36 發表
I terminated a Bun last month cos she is a big liar and she stole things from my house like crazy....she worked for the same employer for 12 yrs before she worked for me and I also talked to her ex-bo ...

我唔明白點解你剛炒的bun的 ex-boss 說'clean on hands & feet'......



積分: 2742

發表於 09-11-9 15:41 |只看該作者

I think the only possible answer is, her ex-boss was very 'strict' to her.....cos that bun told me every time she went out, her ex-boss must check her bag...when she returned home, same same...or, her ex-boss really trusted her LIES.

She always talked about how bad her own boss was, non stopped.....so at the end, I had to tell her "if you ex-boss treated u so bad, how come you renewed your contract again and again....and if she didn't teach you how to clean, you wouldn't be able to do how good you are doing....if u know nothing, I wouldn't hire you at all..so you shouldn't say bad things about your ex-boss like this. Before I hired you, you ex-boss said how good you were....you still say she is so bad to you?"...she then shut up of course...

Well, can only say this bun is 'heartless'....greedy....u know she goes to church every Sunday. My sister once asked her all in a sudden "you ever confessed at church? if not, you better be careful that after you die, you will go to hell because you lie all the time!".. ahhahahahhah

After we hired her, she still though we didn't find out her 'stealing'. Daring to ask if she couldn't find a place to stay, could she stay at our home.......she was just NUTS! I suddenly fired her, of course some problem of her own la......ai.....


積分: 2742

發表於 09-11-9 15:44 |只看該作者
typo on my last paragraph...should be: "after we fired her, she still thought we didn't know about her stealing... " :) Too 'Gick Dong' everytime i talk about this bun!!!


積分: 8208

發表於 09-11-9 15:45 |只看該作者
好明顯這個bun 搵個老臨扮佢前僱主...你個朋友唔知....打左比個老臨

原帖由 i_love_miffy 於 09-11-9 00:42 發表

我唔明白點解你剛炒的bun的 ex-boss 說'clean on hands & feet'......



積分: 2742

發表於 09-11-9 23:06 |只看該作者
But when I talked to her ex-boss, really didn't feel she was the 'lo lum' wor....because she told me the reason why she terminated her and said something like 'you know lar, when the buns want something, they can say yes to all your request but once you terminate her, you don't know what she will do'. Accordingly to my ex-bun, her ex-boss (the wife), just play mahjong everyday and asked her to take care of the home things.....

Anyway la.....it really depends on LUCK whether we can find a good bun.....but i guess we also need to learn to be the boss, not to say we have to show the boss face, of course we need to be reasonable but really, can't treat them like friends or family....

No one is perfect in this world and even if the maid's personality is good, we still need to fine-tune her to match with our family's 'style'...Hope I can find a better one soon....


