Dear Miranda
Wow that's really good. Is it v hard to find something like this? ie. Do u need a good realtor friend? And did u take a long time to look look and look? or did u just make up mind that u simply decide Wanchai and price, then just visit a realtor, then choose?
Dear Miranda
Wow that's really good. Is it v hard to find something like this? ie. Do u need a good realtor friend? And did u take a long time to look look and look? or did u just make up mind th ...
Hi, meejh,
我一路想揾灣仔樓盤,thanks God 我在BK嘅「樓市動向」見到一則售樓帖子,便立即相約睇樓,完全冇經地產代理。
Wa so brave. I always think the good things will be bought by those experienced buyers. Anything left for me would be overpriced or a "makeup" flat or... so I can never buy anything!!!! My feeling is "wa, a few mil ga", so I think think and think. Of course, anything good or bad, is GONE while I'm thinking! How can I get out of this psycho barrier!?
my mum is the same !!!! she has been thinking to buy a flat for investment for many many years... and exactly...everything is GONE while she's thinking and thinking....... always think a few mil. ga wor...
i'm totally different person.... so when i see a new flat with her few months earlier (the mkt price @ all time high)..... i persuade her to buy it right away.....
the price drops once we bought it...but anyhow, the rent could cover the mortgage we don't bother it now....
but the point is, buying flat is a long term investment..... you never know if you could buy at a lowest price.......
but in long term, the price should be going up my husband and i are thinking to buy a flat for investment too......
as long as the rent could cover the mortgage and the price is not too reasonably high...we will go for it...
but we haven't had any idea what to buy yet...and probably i won't be this "brave" this time :)