原帖由 sy1119 於 09-12-9 14:09 發表
好多時佢地係靠告上庭, 延遲佢地留係香港搵新僱主, 跟本係拖時間, 之前我朋友又係咁, 補哂錢叫佢走, 佢都係話要告, 之後補清楚文件比入境處, 叫個AGENT 攪掂佢, 之後先話唔使上庭, 之後個AGENT 先講, 呢個工人之前又 ...
原帖由 cherrywong2008 於 09-12-9 12:03 發表
同佢Lin 過,你若要出庭,我一定撐你,因我都係受害者,請PM,。
原帖由 cowkingb 於 09-12-9 14:42 發表
C 啦, 比我啱啱叮走既菲姐, 我比佢既 termination letter 無寫 mere 原因 wor. 我問而家幫我既新agency, 佢地話寫左都無用既?? 之前更加話比左 immi 個工人玩嘢一樣得 (不過佢都有幫我 submit 去 immi). 唉, 佢 ...
原帖由 Ho_HoDaddy 於 09-12-10 02:19 發表
The reason for the termination is required to mention. You can find the standard format from the website of Immigration Dept. If you fire her with the reason of "service on longer required", the maid ...
原帖由 Ho_HoDaddy 於 09-12-10 02:19 發表
The reason for the termination is required to mention. You can find the standard format from the website of Immigration Dept. If you fire her with the reason of "service on longer required", the maid ...