原帖由 Chewy 於 09-12-16 22:06 發表
Very good advise Pinkdoll..
I have the same situation as bbcome.
They seems set the alarm clock at 9:30pm ..cry till 1am ..
It is difficult not to carry them. Especially there is grandma and grandpa ...
原帖由 bbcome 於 09-12-17 17:25 發表
我對bbs而家至個半月, 日日下午6點到就哭, 哭到食埋10點餐奶至停, 有時仲哭到半夜, 真係瞓都冇得瞓, 都唔知點算, 咁係咪百日哭呢?
我見佢地咁細, 仲未買high chair, 咁仲有冇其他方法, 因為我都唔想成日抱住呀. ...