1) if there are plastic cups of different sizes, she can put the small ones into the big ones.
2) she likes combing her doll's hair (i just bought her a doll which she can chg outift). after combing her doll, she will comb her own hair
3) she touches her nose, mouth, ears, eyes and head when we say these words
4) she 'rubs her tummy' when we ask her to rub her tummy (learned from Disney DVD)
5) whenever she takes out biscuits from biscuit can, she will first treat me one. if i say 'i don't want it la, u eat la' she will then put that biscuit in her mouth
6) when she sneezes and coughs, she wld cover her mouth (80% hit rate)
7) she knows only a few words when seeing that object- balloon, ball, bar (for barney), wowo (for dog), jeje (my maid)
8) she can point out who is baba and mama from group pictures
9) from a set of cards with barney, BJ, baby bop, dog, duck, pig etc. she can pickup all the barney cards (more than 10 of them) just within 30 secs.
10) knows how to turn on TV and chg channels (know this when she was 10mo)
11) she knows how to take off her own pants, have seen her taking off a few times.
12) she always takes my hand cream and put on her own fingers and face (we apply cream on her a few times daily, so she learned from us)
1) My B can walk but still always falls down
2) She can speak quite lots of words, some recognize the objects, some recognize the words (e.g. all body parts can point and speak like hair, eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks, toes; animals name like cat, dog, bee, horse, pig; fruits like apple, orange, melon, strawberry, cherry, lemon); others like jacket, shoes, socks, coat, shirt, spoon, cup, bib etc
3) She can recognise color and say purple, red, green, pink, blue, yellow and black
4) Whenever we take off her shoes, she will hold both shoes with 1 hand like adults and go to the shoe cabinet to place it and close the door
5) She will take a cloth to clean the dust of furniture
6) Will say 抱, 街街 when she wants and says 'again' when she wants us to repeat
7) She can say from 2-10, two to eight with one or two missing numbers and can recognize few alphabets
8) She can take away food with her tongue and does it all the time
原帖由 chowhui97 於 10-1-2 14:34 發表
My B is 15 mos now.
1) My B can walk but still always falls down
2) She can speak quite lots of words, some recognize the objects, some recognize the words (e.g. all body parts can point and speak li ...
WA~your BB is extremely smart !!
Could u let us know how to teach your BB ?
原帖由 chowhui97 於 10-1-2 14:34 發表
My B is 15 mos now.
1) My B can walk but still always falls down
2) She can speak quite lots of words, some recognize the objects, some recognize the words (e.g. all body parts can point and speak li ...
Haha.. I really dunno.. Basically my maid teaches her more. We just keep repeating ourselves when she was very young. Perhaps starting from 5 months or so, we read books with her. We watch DVD with her. We point to everything and let her know the name even she didn't know how to speak at that time. Once she started to say few words, she learns VERY fast and can remember many vocabularies now!
However, I feel very headache about her diet. She's way too picky on food and will use her tongue to take the food out for every kind of food she eats. Super naughty!
1)阿女識講 apple, open, elmo, mama, dada, duck, ball, dog, cat, room....約30個字
2)識行, 上落樓梯, 轉圈, 跳舞
3)can poin to differenet animals, friuts, body parts etc.
4) can tap me and ask for whatever she want
5) can read books and turn the page by herself
7)turn on and off light, tv, mp3 etc.
8) say "no more" when she finish her food
9) kiss us evertime before we go out and say bye bye
10) put on her own shoes
11)some simple instruction e.g. close the door, give , point, kiss, sit down, hold hands etc
12) cook set, doll house etc.