想信不是新聞, 以下是我收到的email, 話因什麼原因.....入一畢大錢給我, 他同我50/50, 你們話我將這email 給 police 有無用, 有無police的email 可給我!!
這些人的用心在那裡????? 大家千其不可貪心, 就算真有其事也是不義之財!!!!
An Iraqi made a fixed deposit of $6.5m usd in my bank branch
(Hang Seng Bank,Hong Kong) where am a director and he died
with his entire family in the war leaving behind no next of kin,
I?m ready to share 50/50 with you if you choose to stand as my
deceased client next of kin. If interested mail me at the address below:
(email 就不給大家,免得有好奇心的人給騙 !!!)
Yours Truly,
Wong Tang.