if c-section, better dont drink fish soup before the first 12 days, becoz it will affect your wound healing..i had a lot of chicken soup and pork soup only..and still got good milk production..but after starting to have fish soup after 12 days, i got even more milk...
原帖由 anniema1225 於 10-1-15 22:27 發表
thanks for sharing, 咁係生之前定生之後開始飲呀? 如果係之前, 第幾周飲呢? 唔該晒!!!!
rollinghoi, thank you for the additional information. Really? so, I will try the chicken and pork soup for the first 2 weeks, followed by some fish soup afterwards....
another reason for my problem may be because my mother inlaw gave me the 豬"yun"水 right after my C-S, but then the doctor told me not to drink anymore if I want to breasfeed.....
Hope this time will be successful la ^.^
原帖由 rollinghoi 於 10-1-15 23:47 發表
if c-section, better dont drink fish soup before the first 12 days, becoz it will affect your wound healing..i had a lot of chicken soup and pork soup only..and still got good milk production..but aft ...