我媽2009 June約滿的偷野印,就係在HK 6年,3份約,由於急請人,佢又哄係被炒,係我妹個女之同學仔個印介紹.呢個印好好, 佢home: Grandfather, Grandmother, Mr and Mrs. Children 6 years, 4 years. All the housework, this yan 一腳踢. 見佢介紹,咪請啦!點知佢咁好,整件咁差嘅來. slow, lazy, steel, anything said 唔知. We need not her to cook. 整爛 2 熱水炉 (1 at toilet) (1 at kitchen) they're not hot. 2 fans, 1 iron, 2 electric cooker. 打爛之杯,碗,碟, cannot count. 點解唔炒? 無人贜並獲. 忍到約滿.
But everyone's not the same. The age seems not my ex-maid. She 33 Sitx Hariatx