




積分: 442

發表於 10-3-19 11:39 |只看該作者
我請左呢個印姐姐三個禮拜, 但係真係頂佢唔順, 想炒佢, 請問我係唔係口頭通知佢就得架喇? 請d咩要注意呀? 新手請工人咩都唔識, 仲要禁快炒佢, 請各位多多提點, thanks!


積分: 238705

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 2023年兔年勳章 虎到金來勳章 2021可愛聖誕B勳章 牛年勳章 2018母親節勳章 2018復活節勳章 Poo得好勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 玩具勳章 畀面勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 BK猜猜猜慶中秋 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章

發表於 10-3-19 12:10 |只看該作者
原帖由 Townguest 於 10-3-19 11:39 發表
我請左呢個印姐姐三個禮拜, 但係真係頂佢唔順, 想炒佢, 請問我係唔係口頭通知佢就得架喇? 請d咩要注意呀? 新手請工人咩都唔識, 仲要禁快炒佢, 請各位多多提點, thanks! ...

我頂咗6日就要炒, 唔惦就係唔惦,想訓練佢好?去動物園訓練獅子老虎容易D.
Bring her back to agency, they will tell you what to do. If you call the agency, they will ask you to 忍吓先, you should call the agency, I will fire this creature immediately, please calculate all the money needed. They will calculate the money, and you bring the creature to the agency.

[ 本帖最後由 lily-of-valley 於 10-3-19 12:13 編輯 ]


積分: 6869

發表於 10-3-19 12:31 |只看該作者
last time I had a bun bun for 3 wks, 1 wk we went for holiday and so she went to agent's home to stay for that 1 wk. so only worked for me for 2 wks.

I told her that I wanted to fire her and ask her to pack up, she locked herself up in her room for 15 mins. then I went to ask her what she was doing, she said she has called the police!!! very chi sin!!!

I asked her why she called the police, she said I wanted to fire her and not paying her salary. I told her I would pay her the salary in front of agent. she said no!! chi sin!!! then she said she would call the police again and cancel the case!!!! very crazy woman!!!! my husband came back from work immediately and paid her and asked her to leave immediately!!!

very crazy woman!!!!!!!!!!!

you are right, the agent will only ask you to 'tolerate' her!!! they won't help you!!!! if you ask your maid to pack up and you wanted to bring her to agent, she might call the police like my crazy maid! so you should have the paper work (termination letter) ready + money to give to her and ask her leave immediately!!!! make sure she sign the termination letter and sign the 'receipt' of money form...


原帖由 lily-of-valley 於 10-3-19 12:10 發表

我頂咗6日就要炒, 唔惦就係唔惦,想訓練佢好?去動物園訓練獅子老虎容易D.
Bring her back to agency, they will tell you what to do. If you call the agency, they will ask you to 忍吓先, you should call the a ...


積分: 238705

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 2023年兔年勳章 虎到金來勳章 2021可愛聖誕B勳章 牛年勳章 2018母親節勳章 2018復活節勳章 Poo得好勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 玩具勳章 畀面勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 BK猜猜猜慶中秋 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章

發表於 10-3-19 13:36 |只看該作者
原帖由 Edsie 於 10-3-19 12:31 發表
last time I had a bun bun for 3 wks, 1 wk we went for holiday and so she went to agent's home to stay for that 1 wk. so only worked for me for 2 wks.

I told her that I wanted to fire her and ask her ...

你個工人真係黐線嘅,唔炒唔得. 我炒個件精神都有D問題的,但我無直接同佢講炒佢, just called back agency and said need to fire her, please calculate all the charges. Please talk to the creature in Indonesian. The Agency ask me to gave the phone to the creature, and talk to her. After she finished the phone, 我叫佢換返自己D衫,跟我去agency. 佢就好似件行屍咁換衫,同我去agency. According to her working performance, she knows I will fire her any minute, but not just 6 days so quick.


積分: 442

發表於 10-3-20 00:59 |只看該作者
我call左個Agent, 同個Agent講左話好想炒個工人, 個Agent真係叫我忍下, 仲話會幫我keep揾新工人代替佢, 叫我唔好炒佢咁蠢喎, 都short short地架, 我唔炒佢就真係蠢喇, 工人日日做錯野仲大把excuse駁番你, 完全當我講野係死咁, 成日攪到我bb喊, 我日日仲要勞氣, 都唔知為咩......唉, 請個工人返嚟真係自己攞嚟衰


積分: 238705

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 2023年兔年勳章 虎到金來勳章 2021可愛聖誕B勳章 牛年勳章 2018母親節勳章 2018復活節勳章 Poo得好勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 玩具勳章 畀面勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 BK猜猜猜慶中秋 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章

發表於 10-3-20 01:35 |只看該作者
原帖由 Townguest 於 10-3-20 00:59 發表
我call左個Agent, 同個Agent講左話好想炒個工人, 個Agent真係叫我忍下, 仲話會幫我keep揾新工人代替佢, 叫我唔好炒佢咁蠢喎, 都short short地架, 我唔炒佢就真係蠢喇, 工人日日做錯野仲大把excuse駁番你, 完全當我講 ...

明天再call agent, talk to them, 我忍唔到啦,佢黐線嘅,要即炒,如果有D乜野事,你地agent都唔惦.唔該計好我要好幾多?用印尼文同佢講. agency咁至肯做野嘅. 我估炒工人agency要蝕錢卦?唔係點解連黐線嘅都要你忍?


積分: 765

發表於 10-3-20 10:08 |只看該作者
所以我繼續用我用開個agent,佢係收嘥工人的fee才俾佢地嚟香港,佢係唔會幫工人的,如僱住要炒工人(18個月內),佢就即刻免費俾你揀第二個,佢地又賺另一個工人的fee囉。好似好無良咁,不過,好過有D agent同工人扯貓尾,鬼咁好戲,玩死我地D僱主!

原帖由 lily-of-valley 於 10-3-20 01:35 發表

明天再call agent, talk to them, 我忍唔到啦,佢黐線嘅,要即炒,如果有D乜野事,你地agent都唔惦.唔該計好我要好幾多?用印尼文同佢講. agency咁至肯做野嘅. 我估炒工人agency要蝕錢卦?唔係點解連黐線嘅都要你忍? ...


積分: 6869

發表於 10-3-20 19:06 |只看該作者
the agent told me that if we fire the bun bun within a few months, the bun bun will ask the agent in the Philipines for the agency fee back. This is the policy set by the government. The bun bun can ask the government for help to get the agency fee from the agent for them.

So if the bun bun came to HK only for few months, e.g. she didn't earn enough $$ to cover the agency fee that she paid to the Philipino agent, she would ask the govt. to get the $$ back from the agent!!!

and of course the agent doesn't want the bun bun to get back the $$$...that's why the agent in HK will try to ask you to 'tolerate' the bun bun as long as you can.

I don't know how it works for yan yan...but when I had yan yan before, the agent also asked me to 'tolerate' her...chi sin!!!!


積分: 238705

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 2023年兔年勳章 虎到金來勳章 2021可愛聖誕B勳章 牛年勳章 2018母親節勳章 2018復活節勳章 Poo得好勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 玩具勳章 畀面勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 BK猜猜猜慶中秋 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章

發表於 10-3-20 19:26 |只看該作者
原帖由 Edsie 於 10-3-20 19:06 發表
the agent told me that if we fire the bun bun within a few months, the bun bun will ask the agent in the Philipines for the agency fee back. This is the policy set by the government. The bun bun can ...

件野係佢地揾嘅, 佢地自己D數,關我地乜野事? 揾隻神經婆來,幾大退貨. 好似我咁,第4日,佢地叫我忍, dirty, slow, stupid, lazy, lier, 仲衰到黐線,自己hee hee hai hai, 自言自語, 夜晚發開口夢慘叫, 卒之6日唔忍. 咁佢地都要做野, 唔通就咁揾把掃把拍咗佢出門口就算咩?係就好啦!爽呀!


