原帖由 3509 於 10-3-29 20:16 發表
我個印都係係同一間請,都係沙地兩年. 我無問佢係沙地使唔使煮飯, 而且沙地煮嘢同我地唔同. 不過佢仲係馬拉華人家庭做過, 煮飯ok, 但間唔中都會失準, 我都係買書俾佢自己睇. 我覺得沙地做過有規舉啲. 煮嘢係講天份, ...
原帖由 paklok 於 10-3-30 12:02 發表
但最終都無揀, 因為:
1.沙地好多有錢人, 佢打有錢人工, 一間house有成八個工人
2.電話interview時俾我試到佢根本無湊過細路, 因為只負責gardenin ...
原帖由 Jasmine-4711 於 10-3-30 11:49 發表
I hired an ex-UAE maid. She claim she has nanny experience and help with cooking and cleaning when the other maids in the house in UAE are on holiday, as there are a few maids: one cooks, one cleans, ...