Isaiah 9: 6For unto us a child is born...
想到啦,拿回以前曾有人在這裡 張貼過的聖詩分享來在貼。我不想打那麼多的字嘛。
這手 因有一嬰孩為我們而生 對本人來講中曬樓住開的條件。
我喜歡其歌詞一句不改地從聖經而來。是先知以賽亞預言耶穌穌以人子來到我們當中。哈利路亞! 聽到我對主耶穌五體頭地啊!
Isaiah 9: 6 (Bible : King James Version)
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:
and the government shall be upon his shoulder:
and his name shall be called
The mighty God,
The everlasting Father,
The Prince of Peace.
Handel - Messiah - For unto us a child is born (HQ) sing the above Bible scripture out directly...... I love it.
To listen, please click the following link: 想聽就點擊以下的連接啦。