I took Air France to Paris & Athens 2 years ago..... no big problem.... the meal was nice .... and sufficient provide of cup noodle/ sandwiches in between......
but for sure if all conditions are the same as Cathay...why don't take Cathay?!!
but if Air France has better routing provided or schedule... its not a bad choice to take it...
我只可以答你Air France同 CX根本無得比............可以用不知所謂同垃圾o黎形容
數年前,我o係英國newcastle經巴黎去瑞士,我已經早o左個半鐘到機場check-in,佢夠膽死同我講無位囉,仲要怪我好唔早d到check-in or online check_in先,我想講第一我已經訂位,亦都無遲到,我無online check-in係因為佢地uk air france web-site唔係eu passport做唔到online check-in囉!!!無位原來係因為佢班機有一個空姐sick leave,但又無standy-by所以唔比上咁多人囉..........唔通呢d又係客人的責任???