




積分: 2407

發表於 10-7-1 16:59 |只看該作者
我想問下各位在c+醫院開刀而又諗住餵全人奶既媽媽, 你地果陣時生完係點做架?? 聽好多人講, 開完刀都唔可以落床, 要等到第二日或更長時間後先可落床, 而且開刀生, 又可能未上奶, d人話一開完刀, 就算無奶, 姑娘都會抱bb比你餵(但有d人又話無得餵bb), 無奶都等佢啜下, 之後就要等到落得床先致去餵奶房餵bb, 乜開完刀唔係唔好行來行去架咩?? 一日要餵咁多餐, 行來行去咪會整痛個傷口??

我知道每間醫院都會有餵奶的time table, 但如果我想餵密d (唔跟佢地既time table), 我可唔可以向姑娘要求架?? 我驚d姑娘太忙唔理我, 同埋想姑娘抱來床比我餵, 得唔得架?? 同埋, 我可唔可以在未埋身餵到之前, 要求佢地用杯餵?? 但我怕佢地唔理我, 照用樽餵BB。我諗住在養和生, 後來聽到有人話港安好好, 就算半夜想餵人奶, 只要你事前講聲, 佢地會推入來比你餵, 唔知養和有無咁既服務呢?? 可以分享下嗎?? Many Thanks~~

[ 本帖最後由 kwokbobo 於 10-7-1 17:01 編輯 ]


積分: 787

發表於 10-7-1 23:40 |只看該作者
i wanna know too~


積分: 6264

發表於 10-7-2 11:06 |只看該作者
I have just delivered my 2nd baby by c-section at HK Sanatorium on 22.6.2010. Don't worry about breastfeeding there. The nurses there are nice and they will provide support. For my 1st baby, I told the nurse that I want to start breastfeeding ASAP but she asked me to take rest first. I have c-section at 8am and she brought the baby to me at 2pm. THe nurse will call all the mum at 7:30am, 10:30am, 1:30pm, 4:30pm and 7:30pm via the walkie talkie at your bedside. You can tell the nurse that you are unable to get off the bed after c-section and asked her to bring the baby to you. I can get off the bed and walk to the feeding room on the 2nd day and I felt no pain at all, so I fed according to their schedule. I had milk on the 3rd day night for my 1st baby, so I asked the nurse to call me at any time when my baby felt hungry. The nurse called me thro walkie at night (I was in semi-private ward but the other bed was not occupied) They were willing to do that. For 2nd baby, I told the nurse that I breastfed my 1st baby for 1 yr and want to start breastfeeding 2nd baby ASAP. The nurse broguth baby to me at 11am (c-section at 8am) and said my baby is looking for milk! She helped to me position the baby so I can feed on the bed. I had milk on the 2nd day (but little), so again I told them to call me whenever my baby is hungry. I was staying in general ward this time and the nurse came to my bedside to call me at mid-night/early morning for feeding. They won't allow you to bring baby to your room after 8pm I think (maybe OK if you are in private ward... I dunno) as that will disturb others.

Hope you find the above information helpful!
Hope y


積分: 724

發表於 10-7-2 11:57 |只看該作者
原帖由 熊貓BB 於 10-7-2 11:06 發表
I have just delivered my 2nd baby by c-section at HK Sanatorium on 22.6.2010. Don't worry about breastfeeding there. The nurses there are nice and they will provide support. For my 1st baby, I to ...

Thanks for your info

Will the nurse teach you how to breastfeed?
Also, how about pumping? Did you pump while you're at hospital?


積分: 6264

發表於 10-7-2 13:33 |只看該作者
原帖由 Tigertoffee 於 10-7-2 11:57 發表

Thanks for your info

Will the nurse teach you how to breastfeed?
Also, how about pumping? Did you pump while you're at hospital?


積分: 6264

發表於 10-7-2 13:38 |只看該作者
The nurses are quite busy and they won't stay in the breastfeeding room (they returned to baby room next door after taking the baby to you). Some are keen to teach more. I think you have to be 'thick face' and don't hesitate to ask whenever you meet the nurses (when she brought baby to you or just walk past). I didn't pump there but just direct feed my baby. Direct feeding is better to stimulate production of milk. However, if you have too much milk and feel painful but your baby can't clear the milk for you, you have to pump.

I pumped milk before at office for my 1st baby and actually, the pumps are very easy to operate...no need to teach. :> But I am sure the nurses will tell you how to use if you ask.



積分: 2407

發表於 10-7-2 14:30 |只看該作者
原帖由 熊貓BB 於 10-7-2 11:06 發表
I have just delivered my 2nd baby by c-section at HK Sanatorium on 22.6.2010. Don't worry about breastfeeding there. The nurses there are nice and they will provide support. For my 1st baby, I to ...

謝謝你的詳細分享呀, 非常有用。我想請問, 聽說你第三日先上奶(1st BB), 咁就算你照住醫院的feeding schedulebb, 未上奶, bb會唔夠飽, 咁請問你無幫bb補奶粉呀?? 如有, 請問用咩方法補?? 如無, 咁係咪由得佢唔夠飽?? 但我怕BB食唔夠奶會黃呀?? 請賜教。


積分: 2407

發表於 10-7-2 14:36 |只看該作者
原帖由 熊貓BB 於 10-7-2 11:06 發表
I have just delivered my 2nd baby by c-section at HK Sanatorium on 22.6.2010. Don't worry about breastfeeding there. The nurses there are nice and they will provide support. For my 1st baby, I to ...

另外我見到醫院的feeding schedule係7:30am, 10:30am, 1:30pm, 4:30pm and 7:30pm, 咁請問由晚上10:30pm致第二朝7:30am, 咁bb是食奶粉的嗎??


積分: 1565

發表於 10-7-2 17:31 |只看該作者
原帖由 熊貓BB 於 10-7-2 11:06 發表
I have just delivered my 2nd baby by c-section at HK Sanatorium on 22.6.2010. Don't worry about breastfeeding there. The nurses there are nice and they will provide support. For my 1st baby, I to ...

唔該晒你呀熊貓bb, 我 9 月都會響 hksh 生, 所以想問下, 如果頭 1, 2 日未上奶, 如果醫院補奶粉, 我又怕阿 b 會食慣奶樽唔食人奶, 咁可唔可以請 d 姑娘用杯 or 針筒餵阿 b 架?



積分: 2407

發表於 10-7-2 19:15 |只看該作者
原帖由 barracuda 於 10-7-2 17:31 發表

唔該晒你呀熊貓bb, 我 9 月都會響 hksh 生, 所以想問下, 如果頭 1, 2 日未上奶, 如果醫院補奶粉, 我又怕阿 b 會食慣奶樽唔食人奶, 咁可唔可以請 d 姑娘用杯 or 針筒餵阿 b 架?

唔該晒!! ...

我都係concern呢個問題呀, 因為聽說有d姑娘會唔理, 照用奶樽餵, 因為佢地太忙太多bb要餵, 不過間間唔同, 我都好想知呀, 有人可以解答嗎?? Many Thanks~~


積分: 6264

發表於 10-7-4 13:06 |只看該作者
I didn't give any formula to my baby as supplement. When you admit to the hospital, the nurse will ask you if you want exclusively breastfeed, breastfeed + formula or formula only. I chose exclusively breastfeed and give glucose if necessary, and also follow the paediatric's advice. Don't worry about no milk for baby for the 1st 3 days coz baby had storage. Yes, there is a risk that the baby remained 'yellow' or lost too much weight after shrinkage (losing water). So, I kept on drinking the soup from 'pui yuet' and let my baby sucked my breast, and I also took advice from paediatrics. If he thinks it is necessary to give formula supplement, I would give but he said my baby's condition is OK as I had milk on the 3rd day night for my 1st baby and 2nd day for my 2nd baby.

Sometimes, the nurses would ask if you want to give supplement after you breastfed baby... most mothers are not firm enough and choose to give supplement for fear that baby is hungry... so it depends how firm you are.

Yes, nothing for baby after 7:30pm for the 1st 3 days.. but when I have milk, I started feeding at night and I asked the nurse to call me.

I dunno how they feed glucpse to my baby.. likely by milk bottle. I supposed they won't like to use syringe or cup for feeding but you can still request!


