State Sponsorship
It is a PR visa, you & your family will entitle all the benefit provided by the government (medicare, kids go to public school for free etc)
Work in Melbourne
Your hubby will hold a 457 working visa, you and your family can also come over but none of you will entitle any benefit. kids need to pay to go to public school, no medicare covered etc. can apply PR after working 2 years if I am not wrong.
Are you applying the state sponsor visa via agency? Be careful.
Read below information, I think it helps you to know more re state sponsor visa. They are almost not open for application at the moment.
Western Australia The Government of Western Australia's State Migration Plan is currently with the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship for final sign off. The Plan will introduce the Western Australian Skilled Migration Occupations List.
Details of the State Migration Plan, State Sponsorship criteria and the re-opening of applications for State Sponsorship will be available on the website in the coming weeks.
South Australia
While we await the finalisation and implementation of the State Migration Plan and the State Sponsored Migration List (SSML), the on-line application form is re-instated to offer sponsorships for a limited number of occupations that have been identified as priority skills for our State.
A Queensland State-sponsored and State regional-sponsored Migration Plan is currently under development. Until the Plan is in place, Queensland may continue to nominate suitable applicants with an occupation on the current Queensland Eligible Skills Lists as long as the occupation is also on the Australian Government's Skilled Occupation List (SOL).
I think 457 holder still can go to public school for free. I have two friends holding 457 before, their kids can go to public school for free.
No other benefit from gov including medicare etc. You need to buy 457 holding type private medical insurance.
原帖由 Mrs.Kangaroo 於 10-10-9 17:53 發表
State Sponsorship
It is a PR visa, you & your family will entitle all the benefit provided by the government (medicare, kids go to public school for free etc)
457 visa holder has to pay school fee in NSW but not other states so far as I understand.
原帖由 ngtft 於 10-10-9 19:29 發表
I think 457 holder still can go to public school for free. I have two friends holding 457 before, their kids can go to public school for free.
No other benefit from gov including medicare etc. You ...