原帖由 LEUNG小B 於 10-10-18 09:12 發表 
Anyone know how to remove the window vista, and install window 7/xp?
First you need purchase an XP or Win 7. Backup all your data from the hard drive and make sure you have all the drivers, say, LAN port, display, motherboard, sound card, etc ...
Boot up your PC with the XP / 7 and then format the hard drive. Then reinstall all the drivers and you are done.
Good luck.
"And liftoff, the final liftoff of Atlantis, shoulders of the space shuttle, America will continue the dream."
"Liftoff for the final launch of Endeavor. 'xpending our knowledge, 'xpending our lives in space."
"The final liftoff of Discovery, a tribute to the dedication, hard work and pride of America's space shuttle team."