I think you better put all your clothes into the 抽真空袋, and put 1 or 2 individual packs of 防蟲 thing inside the 抽真空袋, then put the 抽真空袋 into the 紅白藍袋 (with some 防蟲 thing inside again), then should be fine....
Actually after you 抽真空, you can put 2 x 抽真空袋 into the 紅白藍袋, save even more space..but you'll have to buy those 抽真空袋. I tried the lock and lock brand before...not as good as the 'Japanese one' selling at Jusco. In plastic bag and usually 2 bags per pack.....at least 1/3 cheaper than the lock and lock brand...you can try try...