大仔5歲半, 上星期帶佢出席朋友聚會, 正如我所擔心, 無好收場....出街前佢已經答應我会be a good boy and sharing toys with other kids. 但係聚會途中, 佢不止忘記sharing toys, 更爬在我朋友身上和不停攪其他bb. 我不停叫佢stop, 但佢原全當我耳邊風. 最後我d朋友一如幾年前comment: 你嗰仔真係......or 你嗰仔係咪有過度活躍??
原帖由 edwardwah 於 11-3-15 00:48 發表
大仔5歲半, 上星期帶佢出席朋友聚會, 正如我所擔心, 無好收場....出街前佢已經答應我会be a good boy and sharing toys with other kids. 但係聚會途中, 佢不止忘記sharing toys, 更爬在我朋友身上和不停攪其他bb. ...
Pyjess, 爸爸因工作忙, 基本上連見阿囝都少except Sun full day. 所以全部人都覺得責任在我身上(i agree so). But真係唔知我應該點教先幫阿囝get rid of 咬我同打我 which happens around once every 2 months. ...
PS. 有一次去長洲, 遇到一個TRAIN狗狗O既人, 原來"直視對眼"都用O係TRAIN狗上面, 同老公傾, 佢話, 可能呢D係動物本能, 覺得咁係有威脅, 就會冷靜/受控
原帖由 edwardwah 於 11-3-16 14:31 發表
Pyjess, 爸爸因工作忙, 基本上連見阿囝都少except Sun full day. 所以全部人都覺得責任在我身上(i agree so). But真係唔知我應該點教先幫阿囝get rid of 咬我同打我 which happens around once every 2 months. ...
I don't think your kid has issue. maybe he is just too excited to have gathering with other people and kids. My kid the same, he behaves differently when we dine out with friends.
my son sometimes hit me when he is upset, I will tell him to stop and tell him he is hurting mami. he loves me so when he heard that he is hurting me, he would stop. At the same time, I pretended upset and cry, he would come over to kiss me better and say sorry. after all, I will kiss him and give him a big hug.
maybe next time, just gathering with couple friends and with their kids to see. (no a large group of people) and keep remind him he promise to be a good boy and what a good boy should do. (like brain wash). also tell him a good boy don't hit or bit mami (and other people)