




積分: 82477

畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 11-4-8 10:40 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 gemiling 於 11-4-8 15:42 編輯

I see a lot of unhappy post here... just want to say something based on what I know about 印印 cos I have lived in Singapore for a long time and have quite a number of 印尼 friends. Of cos I am not saying all of them are doing what they are doing becos of this. But some of them mayb really don't know the Hong Kong situation. Especially when the so called training sch in 印尼 不負責任

1. 用手去廁所
it is a custom for Muslim (左手解决, 右手吃飯), even Malays in singapore (i lived there for a long time) do the same thing. In singapore or South east asia, since they have an extra 水喉 for that use, maybe it is cleaner. But in Hong Kong, the toilets are not design to have the extra 水喉, I suggest if you cannot accept that, you should not hire 印印, cos it is quite hard for them to change the habit.

2. 黑面 做錯野 when 你講唔望你

In 印尼 習俗 when you scold them, it is 唔禮貌 to look at you ... 有點似小朋友時,佢會看地板. So you have to let them know that is different in Hong Kong.
BUT of cos if she is doing it on purpose to annoy you. it is different.

3. Listening more to Sir than Ma'am
In 印尼, Man is the BOSS of the house, not even 99, so they always listen to the Sir more than Ma'am.
You have to let them know that in Hong kong, especially in you house, you are the boss.

4. Taking care of baby.
印尼 is very hot country, they don't really know (espeically if they are new to hong kong) how to judge the temperature. You have to make sure they know that baby clothes should not be taken off ALL together when changing diaper and stuff.

5. 洗衣機

A lot of them come from the poor places of 印尼 and they don't have 洗衣機.... they don't know how much power it use or how wasteful it is when it is not a full machine

6. "Muslim steal things need to chop off their hand, and hunting man need to be hanged, or beaten. "
NO, 印尼 now 文明過以前, steal - you go to jail, "hunting man" - you go to jail and 打籐

I post this just want to let some of you understand a little more about them, I am NOT supporting them blindly, I believe there are of cos some of them that are bad.

P.S. 蝦細路 and 飲尿絕對吾系印尼習俗!! those deserved to be punished



edea  謝謝分享  發表於 11-4-8 23:01


積分: 28578

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章

發表於 11-4-8 11:34 |只看該作者
- posted from mobile device


積分: 82477

畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 11-4-8 11:39 |只看該作者
FA8866 發表於 11-4-8 11:34
我都信佢地如果係鄉下出黎既真係唔識。但問題係唔識唔緊要,開聲問嘛。。依家d工人識既就串,唔識既就大"樽鹽 ...

hai ... if everyone know to 開聲問, then won't have some many problem la!
A lot of them scared that the boss know they don't know.. so just keep quiet ...

By the way .. sorry what is 大"樽鹽"??

point 6 --- because someone from the forum always say that on a lot of post la .. so I just want to clarify lor.


jjn99  &quot;樽鹽&quot;?? 尊嚴  發表於 11-4-8 13:32


積分: 22338

發表於 11-4-8 12:22 |只看該作者

不過以我為例, 賓賓真係醒目過印好多, 我琴日先同老公講開, 果時教過印睇水銀探熱針,教左佢幾耐先識睇,我問佢咩你印尼d細路發燒唔係用探熱針架咩,佢話係,佢竟然話印尼探熱針好易睇喎.:;pppp:


積分: 74328

發表於 11-4-8 12:32 |只看該作者


積分: 1833

發表於 11-4-8 12:37 |只看該作者
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積分: 82477

畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 11-4-8 12:53 |只看該作者
方方媽媽 發表於 11-4-8 12:32


Not everyone can do it ... sometimes i see a lot of post are small matter .. but then, it gives me a feeling like the boss think she is paying so have to 用到盡

I want to say, helper 都係人, 都有脾氣,
有情緒, moody day. And especially when they are traveling all the way to a FAR place to work.. of cos you can say you didn't force her to come to work. But it is her situation that forced her to leave her home to come... so .. sometimes i think don't 去
到盡 lor.


積分: 17243

發表於 11-4-8 13:09 |只看該作者
agreed, especially point 4 and 5.
香港既電器o甘先進, 印印真係未必識用 (我都吾識用自家個洗衣機). 間training school竟然可以無教佢地微波爐吾放得金屬!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


積分: 8856

發表於 11-4-8 13:32 |只看該作者
當教了 10 次, 仍然犯同樣的錯...! 仍然不肯改進, 這個同文化差異有沒有關係呢?


積分: 438

發表於 11-4-8 13:34 |只看該作者
thx especially point 2! 真係唔講唔知! 等我仲以為佢唔順氣或唔受教!


積分: 82477

畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 11-4-8 14:12 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 gemiling 於 11-4-8 14:15 編輯
mango22 發表於 11-4-8 13:32
當教了 10 次, 仍然犯同樣的錯...! 仍然不肯改進, 這個同文化差異有沒有關係呢? ...

當然無關... Isn't that obvious?


積分: 82477

畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 11-4-8 14:15 |只看該作者
jjn99 發表於 11-4-8 13:34
thx especially point 2! 真係唔講唔知! 等我仲以為佢唔順氣或唔受教!

like I said before, I am jst giving information of what I know.

受唔受教... you will have to see if she still keep repeating the mistake. Hope your helper is bcos of the 文化差異 and not 唔受教.


積分: 14777

發表於 11-4-8 14:37 |只看該作者
Appreciate your informtion. At last we know more.

Just wonder why they don't learn our custom or habbit before come to HK.

It is believed that no matter yan or bun, they carry their cultural difference to here. My Ms Beauty bun is using hand to pick up food when eating. She knows that we may hardly accept it so she prefer to have meal in the kitchen. Or when she eat-out with us, she will use spoon or chokstick.

The point is whether the maids have the heart to take up the job here and stay with HK family.


積分: 28578

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章

發表於 11-4-8 14:46 |只看該作者

- posted from mobile device


積分: 82477

畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 11-4-8 14:55 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 gemiling 於 11-4-8 15:43 編輯
當教了 10 次, 仍然犯同樣的錯...! 仍然不肯改進, 這個同文化差異有沒有關係呢?

我無話過所有野都是文化差異。當教了10次,仍然犯同樣的錯,偷野,講大話... and others... are of cos not 文化差異. right??

I am just saying they should also be treated as human, and so to post something I know and hope it helps to understand a little. That's all.


積分: 3618

發表於 11-4-8 14:57 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 mc_baby 於 11-4-8 14:57 編輯
gemiling 發表於 11-4-8 10:40
I see a lot of unhappy post here... just want to say something based on what I know about 印印 cos I ...

THX your sharing...
我三月尾請了印印, 預七月到HK...
let me understand more about them...

yes, 我都睇到好多post係好negative, 我都好擔心, 現在已經好有壓力...
如果有更多他們的資料, let me know more, 我都希望同印印能夠互相配合~


積分: 82477

畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 11-4-8 15:11 |只看該作者
回覆 bbfish1992 的帖子

I think some habits that have followed for whole life is really hard to change.
For example, we have used chopsticks for our whole life, and if i don't think i will want to change too.
as for why they don't know our habits or custom, I think they will know some from the training school...but may not be full picture...


積分: 14777

發表於 11-4-8 15:21 |只看該作者
gemiling 發表於 11-4-8 15:11
回覆 bbfish1992 的帖子

I think some habits that have followed for whole life is really hard to chan ...
as for why they don't know our habits or custom, I think they will know some from the training school...but may not be full picture...

i think so...
i had read my maid's handbook when she first arrived. Some of our custom has been told but not all.
well, this is what i always emphase that the agent can do better in this point
upon my knowlege from my maids, most of the teachers in "training schools" are local people, they know HK probably from the view as a foreigners or visitors

nevertheless, as employee, we would try our best to suit into the company's culture and follow instruction from boss;
so back to the point that why the maids cannot

(p.s. no offense to your post, instead, very appreciate your sharing; just want to make some discussions on the bad agents and bad maids)


積分: 82477

畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 11-4-8 15:36 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 gemiling 於 11-4-8 15:44 編輯

回覆 bbfish1992 的帖子

I think if they are work related habits, they are easy to change, like if i join a new company, and I was told that now I have to use the phone a new way, or the copier a new way, those are easy to change. But if I was told about my personal habits have to be changed... that will be hard.

i also think some habits are hard to kick, like the one about going to toilet... if your whole life were told to do it with your hands and you believe that cleaning with water and hands is actually more clean (actually according to doctor it is true). .. I think it will not be possible for you to change too if you were told to use paper...
Just like, if now I go to a company and i was told that from now on when I go to toilet, I have to clean with water and hand instead of paper.. I won't be able to do it.

Take another example, look into someone's eyes when he/she is scolding you...
If they have fear to looking straight to someone when they are scolded, it will be really hard to change, even when they were told that is impolite. Cos they have been educated their whole life that they should not do that. and now out of a sudden they were told, 'no, actually you should'

I must say habits, sometimes is a strange thing, sometimes we have a lot of emotion about some habits that it is hard to change...

I appreciate greatly that you want to discuss :) and not just labeling me as some agent or 工會.

OH I totally agree on your point about agency and school and do a better job, and as employee, the helper should also try their best to adapt to a new environment.


積分: 14777

發表於 11-4-8 15:45 |只看該作者
回覆 gemiling 的帖子

mouthnce, i was lablled as agency

actually, I am a ...... 25 C9

tell us more about their habbits )))


