我都係新手媽媽, part time mum. 我個大女而家剛剛9個月大,我下個B預產期係8月尾或9月頭°姐姐三月頭試了兩星期工,我同我老公對她所有表現同personality都十分滿意,之后她回老家兩星期等visa;四月中已回來開始幫手(
多謝immgiration department的efficiency!)
Sorry, I have to write in english because it took me so long to type above, my sincere apologies!
I agree with szeto szeto! I would also suggest to discuss the daily schedule, or tell her know what you would prefer, with your helper to see if she has any input. This way, you can see her capability and give her and yourself confidence on the matter. I don't like easily timid helper who is afraid to speak or tell if there is any wrong. I rather have a helper who is independent and preferably can advise me on things that I am not familiar with. You would be surprised how good and fast they are with the daily chores, sometimes they could do much better than us...
I work online from home and have to spend a fair amount of time with my baby and helper. Give each other some time to get used to each other and life will be much easier I believe.