I have just brough a Thomas baby bicyle on last Sunday. Just sit for less than 30 mins on the way back from Toysrus from Po Lam back Tseung Kwan O Station. My twins both wanted to sit on the bicycle at the same time. Therefore, I have to sell it and buy two that can be folded up as my home is small.
Not yet photo but it is the most popular band sold in Toysrus and 千色店. There is a lot of cartoon characters for this band.
I bought it from 千色店. Price same as Toysrus.
I am very picky when buying things for baby. This bike look best and is very comfortable for baby. My babies are just 15 months. The folded one is not so comfortable but occupy less space.
I can take a picture when return home. Pls e-mail to me your e-mail address so that I can send it out to you tonight.
I can guarantee that the bike is 99% new. I just need space, you know, I have twins.