I joint their plan and bought the GSII on Sunday. The contract terms is 18-mth with a new number. The Roadshow sales promised to give me the mobile on that night. However, he couldn't give it to me due to his own excuse. In the end, I got it on Monday. The Sales said my new number can be activated on Tuesday.
Yesterday, I couldn't use it & called hotline for assistance. The staff committed that it could be used at 8pm last night. She even left a direct to me and asked me to call her if I can't use it before 9pm. I kept on waiting until 9pm but still no network. I called that hotline staff but no one picked up the call. In the end, I approached another customer service officer who said she's off duty. This staff checked and said they had no record of my new number. They needed to check and reply to me at around 12noon today. I couldn't accept for just waiting. Besides, they can't honour the contract.
I then called sales and he gave another verbal promise to me that the number can be used around 11pm-12pm last night. I waited but was disappointed again. I then called Hotline and said they breached the contract that my new number can't be used on the prescribed time. Due to their fault, I requested for immediate service or terminating the contract without any penalty on my side. Argued with them overnight and they said they would give me a reply at around 10:30am this morning. I'm now just waiting to see if the problem can be solved by then.
Does anybody have such bitter experience with "3" telecom? Why it's so troublesome to have a new number?
What should I do now? I have the mobile in hand but can't use it for calling in/out/web? I paid over $5K la. The new number is still not yet activated.
Last night, the hotline staff even said I may choose to cancel contract but I need to pay $2000 as compensation for early termination.
if the contract is from "3", I think the company will be responsible at last. Maybe the salesman is late for submission of your purchase to the company, what you need to do is to "wait"!