Name: Rakinem Tini Anggraexx
Date of birth: 1980
超級污漕, her body smell very bad, you can smell her from 10 feet away
成日講大話, 明明無做到嘅家務又話有做
when you talk to her she don't even look at you and pretend you are not there
when you ask her to do something she just stand there, not moving
when the kid is bleeding she doesn't tell you, she say the 3 years old doesn't tell her to tell me!!!
put wet clothes in drawer
cook with nothing in wok, the fire almost burn the wok and still stand there
the congee already spilling out from the pot and still stand there
( i am lucky in both ocassions i was at home , otherwise my house be burnt down already)
use my son new cloth to mop the floor!!! ( i am sure she do on purpose!!
use newspaper add bleach to clean mirror ( now my mirror have many unremoveable damage dot on it)
,,.. just like a horror movie!!
why can't we have a site to black list all horrorible maid there?
why can't employer do something to protect ourselves?
all the law is to protect the maid, what about us?
why inflation have to incresae maid's pay? who pay for their food? accomodation? medical???????
why not government give us rebate for all fees we have to pay for the maid due to inflation????
why still have to ask employer to pay more???????