I heard very good comments about 孟嘗. Comments about 天主教 was not bad too. How about putting your boy to 天主教 for now (since he also has Chinese at school) and change him to 孟嘗 when he goes grade 1(since he may not have Chinese at school anymore.)
My son(6 years old) went to Mon Sheong last year. I found it very good, organized, safe. 有手冊, we get to know what's going on every lesson. I'd registered him for coming Sept. The only concern is, how old is your kid? Becos they run their classes in a high school(we went to the Markham one), the desks/chairs are a bit high for younger kids.
I also have a 4 years old and I'm putting him at the York Catholic board Cantonese class in sept. My reason is, this is his first time learning Chinese, plus he's a bit young, I want to try something at lower cost, just to see how it goes. Also they run the class in elementary schools, so the facilities would be more age-apprpriate for him.
i'm planning to my 4-year-old son in mandarin lesson. Do you know 孟嘗's teacher is good to teach such young children? i'm just afraid of my son not enjoying it, especially at the friday night class. not sure if he will have energy to learn at the end of the day
I think I will put him to the York Catholic one first. Agree with "rosaline01" and "haycae", if he doesn't like it, I can quit with $10 loss. I will put him to the Mardarin one because he can learn Cantonese in JK and SK, and we mostly talk Cantonese at home. I like him to learn Mandarin more.
And yes, Mon Sheong classes are holding in high schools, and some other Mommies concern about the chairs and desks are way too big for 4/5 years old. You are so right "haycae"!!
I think I can make up my mind now!! Thanks ladies!! But don't stop to post more info here about this issue, I think many other Mommies would like to know!!
I think Friday night class for learning & studying could be too much for a 4 years old. I would rather schedule him some interesting class or sport class.
See ahbocat link for York Catholic brd class.
If you are sending your form by fax, make sure you call them to confirm receipt of your form.
I faxed and called them, the lady wasn't very nice, she said they never confirm receipt of form even if we call, you fax the form and go to the class in sept. I said "what if the fax didn't go thru, or if the class is full ..." she finally went to check and confirm my registration.