Thank you artsmeetmusic...
some questions:
2.無語文科,亦無任何專長e.g音樂/體育,係極難有學校請的。==> none. She was a English teacher as major 3.佢最不幸係當年在一間被殺的學校任教,如果佢一直做咗咁多年,即使佢考唔到基準,要留一教席都不難,因為可以調佢教基他科目,e.g常識、數學==> after 殺校, she worked for another two years as contract teacher until this year.
4.佢無語文基準,科目配搭一定唔好,而一般學校的老師都會教語文加術科(總會有一技之長),所以請代課都唔輪到佢,因為佢代唔到人地的課擔!==> I am not quite sure what is her科目配搭, but sure she is not no music, art and PE background. 5.好難轉其他工種,除非做學校書記果類,但係人工只係一萬多。我亦見過一個後生的女仔,畢業後找不到教席,主因是科目配搭不好,沒有語文及一技之長,一直都係做書記,而學校係會酌量加少少人工請佢。 ==> is that mean she is unable to find a job as teacher. I believe there must have a ex-teacher experienced what do they do?
you are correct. I tried to look for a job for her...but difficult.
Honestly, teaching experience mean not much experience in commerical...
what can she do to enter this field again (without the Eng test)?