




積分: 706

發表於 05-9-27 10:32 |只看該作者


請問有無人知joint custody 同撫養權判俾單方嘅實際分別.我前夫表明要爭撫養權,需然我勝數較高,但我唔想打官司,因怕煩及唔想前夫為爭撫養權經常同個仔"落藥",所以考慮同佢用joint custody settle.


積分: 674

發表於 05-9-28 00:11 |只看該作者

Re: 撫養權問題

joint custody 係好多野都要問對方,例如讀什麼學校,去那裡留學咁都要一齊傾.但如有撫養權,你就可以自己決定,只要講聲比佢聽.
我認為撫養權的確多數會比女方,你不妨和前夫爭,因為joint custody 第日會有好多問題要爭吵,除非你和前夫還可做朋友啦!


積分: 706

發表於 05-9-28 11:19 |只看該作者

Re: 撫養權問題



積分: 674

發表於 05-9-29 00:13 |只看該作者

Re: 撫養權問題

咁就要看你仔和佢的關係點啦! 你仔和他關係好,咁不論你有冇撫養權,仔都係會聽他意見的. 但我始終認為共同撫養都係麻煩的.


積分: 706

發表於 05-10-18 10:55 |只看該作者

Re: 撫養權問題


如果同佢用 joint custody settle (即使我suggest joint custody, 可能佢都會玩野),我又驚個衰人重多時間同阿仔落藥.個衰人成日俾阿仔飲汽水,又成日買Thomas俾佢.



積分: 200

發表於 05-10-18 11:17 |只看該作者

Re: 撫養權問題

my case is also joint custody, cos i didn't want trouble, plus i thought i have no right to "delete" the daddy of my child... anyway... it is almost 3 yrs now since the devorce, my daughter is about 5 yrs old.. she is getting used to it, finally...
my daughter's dad is not paying even a cent to help to raise my daughter but asking all the right to visit her... i was very troubled for long time, so as my daughter... father never really know how to take care of a kid, and so mother suffers...
what i think u can do is, explain to your son, he will understand soon or later...
as for ur "ex-to be", do not argue with him, just talk sense with him, and since u are the one who really taking care of the kid, u set agreement with him la...
do not let him think that u are afraid of him, or even afraid of trouble, cos what i have learn is, if you do not do the devorce good just because wanna save some troubles, end up u will suffer more troubles...
talk to your lawyer, he/ she should have suggestion to you. my lawyer was very good, and the charge was not that nig, let me know if u need my lawyer's info, plus, u can call her to ask for her opinion, which she wont charge u.
good luck n take care
喜悅是蝴蝶 在地表附近款款飛舞 但悲傷是巨鳥 揮動強壯的黑色碩翼 讓你高高超越人生 在陽光與成長裡翱翔 帶你到悼亡天使


積分: 706

發表於 05-10-18 11:41 |只看該作者

Re: 撫養權問題

Dear waterdrop,

Thank you for your sharing. I'm not trying to "delete" my son's father. Now, he is seeing him every Sunday and most public holidays. He also stay with his father on Saturday nights as well.

What my ex wants, is too see my son on every alternative days (i.e. Mon, Wed, Fri & Sun.). I think this would be very troublesome for my son. I'm thinking whether or not to counter propose alternate week. However, I worry that if he spends more him with my son, he'll have more time to blackmouth me. Usually, my son would become more naughty after he spent the holidays with his daddy. Even the teachers in school notice such pattern that after the holidays, my son would become more naughty. He told my son that I kicked him out of the house and I am the one who initiate the divorce.


積分: 4068


發表於 05-10-18 12:47 |只看該作者

Re: 撫養權問題

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積分: 200

發表於 05-10-18 16:13 |只看該作者

Re: 撫養權問題

every other day's visit, it is too much la.. even the judge may not aprove. it will affect the kid big time.
during week days should let the kid focus on the school, holiday is different. and for sure the father will not "teach" the kid, may end up making your kid very spoiled, n so u will be the one to suffer...
doesnt matter what you ex tell ur son, actually. and u cant control anyway.... so let him be...
my ex used to "talk" a lot in front of my daughter..., so my daughter would become very naughty every time after seeing her dad... and i know she even thought that it was my promble to cause the devorce....
my daughter said to me not only once that if i dont take her father back, she would then stop loving me.... (heart breaking), and she (my daughter, a 4 yrs old kid) was telling me that do u have any idea about what marriage is?!? huh?!? mom, marriage is once u are married, u are married forever, cannot divorce...." anyway...
i just explain to my kid briefly about what devorce is. and said to her "you dad had been bad to me, i had suffered enough, that's y we are divorced; yet, he is still ur father, he was bad to me doesnt mean that he will be bad to u. what between ur dad n me, it is between him n me... you do not worry about that. just remember u always have a dad that loves u and a mother loves u, that is enough...."
but didnt really tell her details abt what happened between her dad n me.... finally... she seems understand me much more now. she is growing everyday, n not a baby anymore, she will think about what people told her. so i think ur son will understands u soon or later...
just try to keep good relationship ur ur son, talk to him everyday like friends if possible. ur son is suffering now, (my daughter had been suffering for nightmare n sleep walking for very long period of time before) make sure he feels ur love.

add oil!!!
喜悅是蝴蝶 在地表附近款款飛舞 但悲傷是巨鳥 揮動強壯的黑色碩翼 讓你高高超越人生 在陽光與成長裡翱翔 帶你到悼亡天使


