




積分: 3443

發表於 11-9-13 23:43 |只看該作者
昨日我的女傭從我們的酒吧桌(約 1英尺高)摔了下來,並自己打999(但沒有給我打電話)。她被送往急診室, and then 護士打電話給我。我去到醫院,醫生說她無骨折
,沒有內部出血,甚至沒有瘀傷!!! 但她不斷尖叫 好像非常痛苦的. 所以醫生讓她過夜。她要求我們帶她她的手機(她有3個手機),我們今天去看她
,給了她一些個人的衣服和牙刷等,加上手機。我們離開後,她sms 我說,她要她的身份證, 我問她為什麼。她說,她需要授權轉移一些錢從她的銀行帳戶到她的朋友...
我有點懷疑...因為沒有人看到了 她真的從吧台掉了下來,她只做了一個月..

我應該怎麼辦?她是我的第一個女傭, 我不知道如何處理..


積分: 69035


發表於 11-9-14 08:00 |只看該作者




積分: 146

發表於 11-9-14 08:21 |只看該作者

回覆:bkchu 的帖子

好差!你要小心處理。and good luck


積分: 6023

BK Milk勳章

發表於 11-9-14 08:27 |只看該作者

回覆: 的帖子

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積分: 9034

發表於 11-9-14 09:28 |只看該作者


積分: 3443

發表於 11-9-14 09:36 |只看該作者
I am so confused now.. since no one really see her fell down from the bar table, which, both my husband and I have no idea why she climbed up the bar table. She said she want to wipe the mirror behind the table but we have provided her an extension cord wiping tool (those you used to clean large windows and car front window) for cleaning if she needs to clean that bar mirror. I have told her not to stand on the bar chairs also.
Anyways, my mid autumn was pretty much ruined by her. I am already 8+ pregnant and I stayed till almost 9pm at the hositpal for her. And then, yesterday my huband and I brought her some personal belongings plus cell phone. This morning she sms me said she wants her backpack since there's phone charger inside. I am getting annoyed now and I didn't reply her.

What should I do to protect myself? My husband and I are new to HK and also she is our first maid.. we feel so lost now.
We're not sure if she indeed fell and hurt herself, or she is lying.
The hospital doctor said he can't find any significant injury signs but it is possible that she pulled her muscle..... I just wonder, if it's just pulled the muscle... would it be that serious that she has to stay in the hospital for 3 days? (today is the 3rd day). I can't sleep well at all because of this.

Thanks all..


積分: 3443

發表於 11-9-14 09:41 |只看該作者
The reason why we think she is lying to us is because she asked me a few times last Sunday if Monday & Tuesday my husband and I will be home.. and then, my mother-in-law is coming to live with us on Thursday (my in-laws family live in U.S.) which we also told her beforehead.
I know she wants to get Tuesday off, I didn't say no to her when she asked, I just said I will discussed with Sir and let her know. And then, she called 999 already on Monday...


積分: 112

發表於 11-9-14 10:20 |只看該作者
i think you need to seek your agent's advice, things will get well, dont think to much. If she want to claim, the insurance agent shall do something. If she want to leave, let her leave.
At this moment, you need a contingency plan on rather you will hire another maid...


積分: 1024

發表於 11-9-19 21:20 |只看該作者
回覆 bkchu 的帖子



積分: 1726

發表於 11-9-19 21:33 |只看該作者
can't let her stay, must be something wrong. i think the agency can exchange another one for you. since she is in hospital, better to move all her belongings to the agency.
i have headache with my maid too. i can't stand her anymore, 4 months right now. she has bad temper, always has excuse, absent minded, no hygene concept, careless, like to talk, talk, talk. and nosey too, very nosey. oct 18 will be her last day, but she trys to make me angry and hope i will pay her extra one month salary. but i won't. i have already spent $6000 one her, no more extra money to please her.


積分: 8205

發表於 11-9-20 00:06 |只看該作者


Firstly, as my understanding, to remind you if sick leave more than 3days, you have to report to the labour dept. If she is in sick leave, and not yet undergone through medical assessment board, you mustn't fire her.
Second, take her home. If no finding, don't stay in hospital. It is not comfortable and no privacy. The doctor should discharge her and you should take care of her at home.
Third, you should have work arrangement for her. If she can even sit out, I will let her lay down on her bed to work, e.g. Planning for menu, writing receipe. Anyway, no need any sick leave. You can give her light duty.
Fourth, take her to GP ASAP, as employee body check and ask the GP to note down especially if any bruise mark or laceration.
Fifth, you should get your maid authorization to get a photocopy for her recent admission record for insuance claim and reference.
Sixth, ask her a lot of questions and record a detail root cause analysis for the incident. Ensure you have provided her enough tools, training and instructions.
Seventh, you should tell your maid to speak the truth, otherwise the insurance company may sue her for abuse of claim and cheating behavior.
Eighth, you must have good documentation and handling. She had the right to sue you within 3years for injured on duty. And sue your neligence, this part has nothing to due with your insurance company.
Nineth, the above is my understanding, not legal advise, I just know that little. You should check with LD or lawyer.
Tenth, 我最憎人扮工傷。


積分: 3443

發表於 11-9-20 17:00 |只看該作者
More updates: -
My maid discharge herself from hospital yesterday without telling me in advance or inform me when she is released. The hospital called me after she left and said her friends picked her up. I called her but no reply. She sms me a few hours later saying she is now with her friends. I was at work and told her to go to the agency's office as no one is home. I also contacted the agent to ask her to track my maid down and I will pick up the maid once I am off from work.
At around 8pm, I left work and my maid never call me nor the agent. My husband suggested to call the police so we went to police office to open a case. The maid never show up at my door last night. This morning, as suggested by the police, we went to immigration office and file a case saying she did not stay at my place last night and we assume she resigns. We also went to the LD to file her accident as well as disappear case.
What shall I do next to protect myself? Apparently she is playing tricks with me. I am afraid that she got sick leave notice from the hospital and use that to charge against me.
Anyone can give some advices pls?

I am now 31 weeks pregnant, I just cannot believe in the past 2 weeks I have been in and out of the hospital, police station, LD and immigration office because of her!!!!!! My son is due in Nov and she has given our family so much headache.


積分: 16627


發表於 11-9-20 17:35 |只看該作者

You're so poor that you got such a cunning maid. I have no idea what she wants but money.

I think you have done every thing you can do already. But what hell is your agency doing?? They should help you and give you advice what you need to do!!

Which agency is it??

Anyway, calm down. I think your maid will show up very soon.
You still have time to hire another maid if you need. \



積分: 3443

發表於 11-9-20 20:24 |只看該作者
Thanks seenfu and all. I just don't know what she really wants. I suspect that she is trying to claim 工傷 from me, and, I wonder if she will take further action to charge me as I submitted a report to immigration assuming she resign since she didn't show up. I was told that it's illegal to fire her if she is still on sick leave with doctor's approval.
So, I don't know which one overules which if you know what I mean - whether the injury claims is more powerful, or the fact that she did not show up.
And i was told that LD tends to protect employees rather than employers (which I don't understand WHY?!! That's the reason why there's so many crazy stories about foreign domestic helpers...). And her pay date is approaching which I don't even know how to pay her now if she continues not to show up; and again, I am afraid she will use this to tackle me.


積分: 1622

發表於 11-9-21 01:33 |只看該作者
OMG! Your maid treat you like that. Take care yourself!

If I were you, I will sit down and see how much should pay her in case she appear for the payment.

As she only with you for a month, she only 累積2 天有薪病假, if she show you 病假不少於連續 4 天, then you just need to paid 2 days (4/5 daily rate), the rest of the sick leave is no paid leave. Although you can't fire her when she is on sick leave, these days are no paid leave.

Also, if you assume she resigns, never say a word that you fire her, you have to calculate how much she should paid for the notice period, and try to quote the air fare for sending her back.

About 中秋節翌日, since it is a 法定假日, she entitle the day off but since she did not fulfill 在緊接法定假日之前已按連續性合約受僱滿 3 個月,便可享有假日薪酬, it is a no paid day for her.

http://www.baby-kingdom.com/foru ... &extra=page%3D9

See #8 in case you need to settle the payment with her.

Good luck!

3.36 born 3.4kg
15 days 3.85kg
4.79 1 month 4.65kg
5.97 2 months 6.12kg (height 59.5cm)
6.75 4 months 7.94kg (height 65 cm)
6.5 months 8.9kg

15 week 6 144g           20 week 5 404g
22 week 6 540g           26 week 6 1111g
28 week 2 1364g
7   week     0.66cm      8  week 6  2.06cm      
9   week 6  3.03cm    12  week 6  7.05cm


積分: 1361

發表於 11-9-21 09:18 |只看該作者
Definitely she wants something from you, that may be:
- claim你工傷
- claim that your house is not a safety working place for her, and she is afraid to work at your place anymore: so that she can claim you 工傷 + you have to pay her one month in lieu + resign + personnel damage.

You have to protect yourself, don't trust the agent.
My advise is
- if your maid come back home, be aware that she can record the conversation. So be careful of what you say to her. Don't ever mention you want to fire her, dislike her....etc
- Dont fire her, you have to resign
- keep that cleaning tool that you provided to her. The worst case is...you may need to go to court.

But I believe she has already filled a claim in Labor and claim you one month
Good Luck


