Date: _________________
One Month Notice for Termination of Domestic Helper Contract
Immigration Department Reference
Domestic Helper Contract No.:
To _____________________________
Passport No.:
Please be informed that with effect from _Oct 20, 2011_ your services for us would no longer be required and thus be released on the same date, This notice would be served to you as our one month advance notice as presented in clause 11 in out Employment Contract.
Thank you very much.
Your faithfully(employer),
Acknowledged by(Helper),
__ ______________________
1.) 噤樣寫會唔會好似我唔能夠再提供傭工職位比佢, 有機會claim我遣散費呢?
2.) 我需唔需要寫terminate佢嘅原因呢?
3.) 我oct 2 比一月通知佢, 計埋大假佢就oct 20走, 我寫oct 20係last day係咪就啱喇?
4.) 機票我會買open ticket, 咁洗唔洗比佢選邊日走?
Thx alot~