She is 10-month old, doesn't like drinking milk. Only take two times a day (total 12 oz) with 2 solid foods. But she will vomit easily. ai.. today she vomits two times per day. She doesn't like sitting on the high chair and will move around. Then easily vomit. So she is really thin. I think her weight drops to below 10% growth line.
12oz is too little, how much ounce of solids does she take in a day? Have you asked doctor for advice when you take baby to regular check?
Maybe she is just feeling uncomfortable and she doesn't mean to make your life difficult. Don't blame her, she is just a baby. The most important thing is to find out the reason why she is so fuzzy.
the doctor says that try to feed her solid food instead of milk, if she doesn't like to drink it. She can eat around 3/4 or full bowl of adult bowl each time. We will add two kind of veggie and one meat for each solid food. In between we will feed her fruit once.
If i push her to drink the milk. she will vomit it lor.
My son was fuzzy for a few days last week and he didn't take much milk. He tolerated solid much better than milk also and I think it was from teething. However it started to improve after a few days. If your daughter is contented drinking so little, there isn't much you can do really. Is your doctor concerned about her weight gain?
Relax, don't give too much pressure on her and yourself.
i have the same problem. my boy spit up milk very easy even he's now 13 mths. I guess yr baby doesnt want milk because she feels uncomfortable after spitting, so she just refuse to drink.
If you really want her to drink more, try mix it with oatmeal, cereal, banana. in my case, i feed my boy 6oz in the morning and then i will add another 1 or 2 oz to oatmeal 2 hrs later as snack. you may also mash a banana and then add 1 or 2 oz milk to it. plus the 12 oz she's willing to drink and these extra 2-4oz, you should feel better because at least she can have more milk. if you were to blend the milk with oatmeal and banana, u can feed her with spoon so it may reduce the risk of vomiting.
my boy is a small size baby, vomits a lot since birth til now 13mths, each meal takes more than an hour to finish. he's hard to take care but we need to be patient and add oil! Pls dont say anything like u regret or wanna dump her. add oil!!!
totally agree with you, life is not easy with a baby. i just cant relax myself always and i'm learning, learning, learning...ADD OIL together la!! When you baby smiles to you, u will find everything worth!