




積分: 81

發表於 11-11-27 00:30 |只看該作者
My Philipline maid aged 25, named Mila? Lerm? Racom? is finding a job becasue I gave her one month notice. She told me she was pregnant for twice. She was certified that not pregnent after body check of the doctor. I hadn't fire her becasue I was scare that I hire a more troublesome one. I renewed contract with her few months ago but her performance and attitude was very very bad after returned from Philipline. She threw temper everytimes when I reminded her to correct her mistakes. She ran into tiolet and push my son once when she quarrelled with me. Recently, my neighbour told me that my maid invited a Philipine man go to my home. My maid deny but I could not trust her again. So, I decided to fire her. I gave her one month notice becasue I haven't find a maid yet.
She is a beautiful maid and she is presentable. Be care.


積分: 2830

秋日勳章 炎夏勳章 春季勳章 冬日勳章

發表於 11-11-27 00:52 |只看該作者
Any Photo & ID or passport No?


積分: 81

發表於 11-11-27 01:26 |只看該作者
BaoBaoLung 發表於 11-11-27 00:52
Any Photo & ID or passport No?

Passport no.: XX333997?
Date of birth: 27-4-198?

She wanted to find a job and hence she used the mobile phone always. I request her not to use the phone when working hours but she said'This is my business! Every maid also use the phone any moment.' She always provoke me.


積分: 1316

發表於 11-11-27 01:26 |只看該作者

回覆:causal sex maid is finding a job

Thanks for sharing~~


積分: 5023

發表於 11-11-27 03:26 |只看該作者

回覆:causal sex maid is finding a job

Such a BITCH!!!


積分: 81

發表於 11-11-27 07:09 |只看該作者
meimei_didi 發表於 11-11-27 03:26
Such a BITCH!!!
Yes, I never believed that I hire a bad woman. Even she threw temper, I could not fire her immediately becasue I had no support.


積分: 5023

發表於 11-11-27 08:46 |只看該作者

回覆:causal sex maid is finding a job

She just tried to play games! It also sounds like you are nobody to her. She does not respect u, her boss at all!

Don't tolerate her whenever she throw u temper. I think u have been so nice to her before that's why she behaves like that!

Just shout at her to stop if she tries to do something to make u angry for no reason again. I know that sounds crazy but that's necessary.

Take her pictures or use camera to take video record when she talk on the phone during normal working hours! Make sure these digital tools u use has the correct time and date set! (my maid never do that since the first day she came to our home. This is one of the rules she has to follow all the time.) Then warn her that she may not get her full salary because her working attitude and performance is not satisfied! Say u got all the evidence/ surpports to show all the agents both in HK & Phillipine that she will have zero chance to get the working visa again in HK.

This makes her know who's the boss!


積分: 81

發表於 11-11-27 09:11 |只看該作者
回覆 meimei_didi 的帖子

I had shouted at her yet and then she spoke in Philines languages. How can I show to all agent? Ths


積分: 5023

發表於 11-11-27 10:39 |只看該作者

回覆:causal sex maid is finding a job

Tell her to behave if she still want to get a job in hong kong. Otherwise, she has to bear all consequences she might have as a result of not doing her job well, not respecting you and other family members!
Bear in mind that, before she leave, her boss (that's you) need to write a release letter saying who & when & why her contract is being terminated! She needs that letter in hands to show the hk immigration department, the agents and her future boss!!!! This is what we called 刹手簡!You may warn her that!!! Keep her releasing letter at the last moment just b4 she leave. GOOD LUCK!!!


