




積分: 1502

發表於 05-10-29 18:39 |顯示全部帖子

餵人奶的媽咪, 你哋用邊隻奶瓶? 邊隻好用d?

你哋會用邊隻? 邊隻奶瓶好用d? Please comments!


積分: 2535

發表於 05-10-29 18:46 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你哋用邊隻奶瓶? 邊隻好用d?



積分: 16200

發表於 05-10-29 19:49 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你哋用邊隻奶瓶? 邊隻好用d?



積分: 12001

發表於 05-10-29 21:21 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你哋用邊隻奶瓶? 邊隻好用d?



積分: 8501

2018復活節勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章

發表於 05-10-29 21:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你哋用邊隻奶瓶? 邊隻好用d?



積分: 1349

發表於 05-10-29 21:23 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你哋用邊隻奶瓶? 邊隻好用d?

nuk & pigeon


積分: 57

發表於 05-10-29 21:52 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你哋用邊隻奶瓶? 邊隻好用d?

I bought Avent (before the birth of my BB) & she took it fine initially
However, since BB was 3 months old, she began to refuse Avent bottle (she loves direct feeding more than bottle feeding)

3 weeks ago, I switched to NUK bottle & it was a little bit better (BB still refuses bottle, but when fed by NUK bottle, she drinks a bit more then Avent bottle)


積分: 6787

發表於 05-10-29 22:48 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你哋用邊隻奶瓶? 邊隻好用d?

My bb uses Avent and Pigeon.


積分: 1502

發表於 05-10-29 22:48 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你哋用邊隻奶瓶? 邊隻好用d?

咁係咪因為nuk的奶咀同乳頭比較接近呢? 仲有, nuk的奶咀係咪淋d ga? 係咪唔需要steam咁耐?

ssyvonne 寫道:
I bought Avent (before the birth of my BB) & she took it fine initially
However, since BB was 3 months old, she began to refuse Avent bottle (she loves direct feeding more than bottle feeding)

3 weeks ago, I switched to NUK bottle & it was a little bit better (BB still refuses bottle, but when fed by NUK bottle, she drinks a bit more then Avent bottle)


積分: 7361

發表於 05-10-29 22:54 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你哋用邊隻奶瓶? 邊隻好用d?

Tried them all, no brand works with my daughter. :-(


積分: 1502

發表於 05-10-30 10:53 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你哋用邊隻奶瓶? 邊隻好用d?

吓? 咁你而家用邊隻? 係咪下下埋身餵?

gab 寫道:
Tried them all, no brand works with my daughter. :-(


積分: 7768

發表於 05-10-30 13:58 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你哋用邊隻奶瓶? 邊隻好用d?

My baby Hayes is using Nuk and Latex nipple(Brown color). It is recommended by my nurse friend. Hayes also spent time to adjust it, when I resumed work after maternity leave.

The problem is your daughter got used to feed directly. She loved your nipple, not the problem of bottle.

Hayes mama
Hayes had been breastfeeding for almost 3 years, then naturally weaned by himself!

Wish Hayes with Love, Peace & Joy!!


積分: 2628

發表於 05-10-30 21:44 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你

Yes. It's all psychological.
I think I've tried nearly 10 different types of bottles.
It's a huge struggle every time he takes the bottle when I'm at work.
He's got used to drinking the minimum amount required then wait for me to come back.
I really don't know whether I should be glad / unhappy about this!
  Lulube was born weighing 3.2 kg


積分: 1561

發表於 05-10-31 00:19 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你

Dear Lamblamb,

How do you introduce new nipple/bottle to your BB?
My baby girl is still using the 'newborn' Dr brown's bottle. (she's 6 mths old by next week). I tried to change to the bigger one but she refused to take it and cried when she saw the bottle again (even it's the old one)


積分: 2628

發表於 05-10-31 14:04 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你

Hello YannyMama,

In fact, my 99 takes care of my BB when I'm at work.

She tends to think that BB refusing the bottle = something wrong with the bottle/teat. So, in order to satisfy her, I've bought so many different bottles for her to choose from in the beginning. If BB refused one brand for 2-3 feeds, she would try another brand.

According to her, the "best" (although BB only takes 2 oz each time) is Avent. But, same as your BB, he can only use the smallest size teat (for BBs from 0-1 month!) Whenever she tried to feed him with a larger size Avent teat, he would scream and turn away.

So, mine isn't a story of success. I guess you may need to consult other mamas. But anyways, since your BB is 6 months old soon, you can consider trying the drinking cup with the straw, e.g., Combi Stage 3 cup. My BB knows how to sip through the straw but the flow is still too fast for him so a lot of milk is wasted. Maybe you can have a go.
  Lulube was born weighing 3.2 kg


積分: 7361

發表於 05-10-31 21:13 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你哋用邊隻奶瓶? 邊隻好用d?

lingeggs 寫道:
吓? 咁你而家用邊隻? 係咪下下埋身餵?

Yes, I've to 下下埋身餵, or my baby prefers to starve or just drink one oz. from the bottle everytime I have to go out. She took the Avent bottle OK between 1.5 months (that's when the maid first feed her with a bottle) and 2.5 months. Then all of a sudden she refuse the bottle everytime. :cry: Since she is already 6 months old, I've gave up buying new teats/bottles but wait for her to start drinking from the sippy cup.
Wish you all the success in breastfeeding!

Lamblamb: Thank you for mentioning the Combi cup. Where can I buy one?


積分: 4748

發表於 05-10-31 21:17 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你哋用邊隻奶瓶? 邊隻好用d?

愛 是 恆 久 忍 耐 、 又 有 恩 慈 . 愛 是 不 嫉 妒 . 愛 是 不 自 誇 . 不 張 狂 .  不 作 害 羞 的 事 . 不 求 自 己 的 益 處 . 不 輕 易 發 怒 . 不 計 算 人 的 惡 .  不 喜 歡 不 義 . 只 喜 歡 真 理 .  凡 事 包 容 . 凡 事 相 信 . 凡 事 盼 望 . 凡 事 忍 耐 。   愛 是 永 不 止 息 ...


積分: 2628

發表於 05-11-1 09:53 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你哋用邊隻奶瓶? 邊隻好用d?

Hello gab,

Combi cups are available in BeBe Dream stores.
You can find them at the Ocean Terminal and Mong Kok Grand Century Plaza.
  Lulube was born weighing 3.2 kg


積分: 7361

發表於 05-11-1 09:57 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你哋用邊隻奶瓶? 邊隻好用d?

Thank you Lamblamb!


積分: 57

發表於 05-11-3 16:11 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 餵人奶的媽咪, 你哋用邊隻奶瓶? 邊隻好用d?

Dear lingeggs,

Sorry for late reply, as I am very busy and seldom visit BB kingdom website these days...

I read a pamphlet written by Meridian HK (the company /supplier of Medela pumps), and it said that NUK style 奶咀 are better as the chances of nipple confusion are lower

I think NUK 的奶咀同乳頭比較接近 :
NUK 奶咀 looks like human nipple after BB's suction (flattened), while,
Avent 奶咀 looks like human nipple BEFORE BB's suction(round)

NUK 奶咀係淋D ga
(brown one is softer than transparent one, but brown one is less durable, as according to some other BK mamas, it may become broken in 1 month...)

NUK 奶咀唔需要steam咁耐 (in fact, I used it to feed my BB just after steaming it for 1 time)

lingeggs 寫道:
咁係咪因為nuk的奶咀同乳頭比較接近呢? 仲有, nuk的奶咀係咪淋d ga? 係咪唔需要steam咁耐?

ssyvonne 寫道:
I bought Avent (before the birth of my BB) & she took it fine initially
However, since BB was 3 months old, she began to refuse Avent bottle (she loves direct feeding more than bottle feeding)

3 weeks ago, I switched to NUK bottle & it was a little bit better (BB still refuses bottle, but when fed by NUK bottle, she drinks a bit more then Avent bottle)




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