三+結婚, 等了=年不果, 看西醫, 驚訝相當老化, 半年後看中醫, 不作声, 心知體質比人差許多, 往後两年, 換中醫、名西醫, 一樣不作声, IUI 4 times fail, 公立Doctor 好心給 1次 IVF (because of too old for ovary, not age), fail, 大受打繫, 已三+五, 未計去過馬來西亞孕婦湖、普x山、曰本求子、西貢摸龍床、坪洲求子、飲符水, IVF fail 後
1 week jogging 3 times for 3 months, ONly take food not cool in nature. 上babykingdom continue to find 中醫、西醫, 試針久 (St Teresa Hospital : 潘x薇) , 去偉澤( Dr. William So) IVF, check that from previous 1 卵泡至5 粒, Dr So advises try next cycle as he think so few and FSH so high, but it is surprise with 5 no. and decides IVF for that cycle, got bingo, at that month, Iooked around renting smaller flats because some said that move smaller house might render easier to get pregnant. This is the last and only method ever tried. Almost sign to rent a flat before IVF date. Think that it's fail again with same M come feeling after IVF. Really really surprise to get bingo for that IVF cycle when is already 36 years. It is a miracle.
Don't give up. U are not alone, Everbefore always find similar case with me at BK. With trust, effort and calm, time would come. Same gossip from relatives for the six years. Don't affect u emotion. PResssure would lead to unsuccess. U are still very young.
Another story: waiting from 2x to 4x. Give birth this year.