




積分: 16200

發表於 05-11-2 15:18 |只看該作者

公司pump 奶mami, 星期五pump 左奶比bb 幾時食呀?

星期一至五,我都會係公司pump 奶.通常都會第二日比bb食哂.我想問星期五pump 左奶會比bb 幾時食?

同埋係公司pump 的奶係未只可以keep 2日jar? 如果,係我未要星期六�日比bb食.但係我想weekend 埋身餵增加奶量.我可唔可以星期一才比bb 食呀?


積分: 2628

發表於 05-11-2 15:30 |只看該作者

Re: 公司pump 奶mami, 星期五pump 左奶比bb 幾時食呀?

I use the milk which I pump out within 72 hours.

So, if I pump milk out during Friday lunch, I would give it to my BB on Monday morning.

But usually, the milk pumped out (9-10 oz) > the amount that BB needs on Monday morning.
So on Friday lunch, I would save half of the expressed milk as fresh and the other half will be frozen immediately to be saved in my milk bank in the freezer.
  Lulube was born weighing 3.2 kg


積分: 2138

發表於 05-11-2 15:31 |只看該作者

Re: 公司pump 奶mami, 星期五pump 左奶比bb 幾時食呀?

Hi ew911,

For Friday's milk, i will store as ice milk, so it can be kept longer.

On Monday, my son will have 2 times ice milk and 2 times milk which I pump out on Sunday.


積分: 16200

發表於 05-11-2 15:38 |只看該作者

Re: 公司pump 奶mami, 星期五pump 左奶比bb 幾時食呀?

Lamblamb & KarenKwan,

Do you mean..... both of you will bring it home and keep the Friday's milk in the freezer immediately? and feed my baby on Monday.

as my company's refreigarter didn't have enough space and I don't think it was clean for me to keep my milk.


積分: 7768

發表於 05-11-2 15:40 |只看該作者

Re: 公司pump 奶mami, 星期五pump 左奶比bb 幾時食呀?

Hi ew911,

1. I store mama milk at lower deck of refrigerator on Monday to Thursday for next day use.
2. I would store expressed milk in ice on Friday for next Monday. Because it is recommended to store milk not more than 48 hours at lower deck.
3. I keep on direct breastfeeding during weekends for stimulate more milk production.

Hope you adjust well after resume work!!

Hayes mama
Hayes had been breastfeeding for almost 3 years, then naturally weaned by himself!

Wish Hayes with Love, Peace & Joy!!


積分: 7768

發表於 05-11-2 15:44 |只看該作者

Re: 公司pump 奶mami, 星期五pump 左奶比bb 幾時食呀?

Yes, you can keep this practice.

For me, I sometimes freeze it at office, sometimes at home, depending on the stock condition. Anyway, use to ice milk within 2 months.

Hayes mama

Hayes had been breastfeeding for almost 3 years, then naturally weaned by himself!

Wish Hayes with Love, Peace & Joy!!


積分: 2138

發表於 05-11-2 15:45 |只看該作者

Re: 公司pump 奶mami, 星期五pump 左奶比bb 幾時食呀?

Hi ew911,

I don't understand, how do you keep the milk pump out in office?? not in refreigater?? in room temperature only??

For myself, i have bring a little refreigater back to office and keep under my desk to store my milk, and use cooler bag when bring back home.


積分: 2628

發表於 05-11-2 16:16 |只看該作者

Re: 公司pump 奶mami, 星期五pump 左奶比bb 幾時食呀?

Hello ew911,

Yes. Maybe you should invest in a small fridge for your own use if you're going to continue pumping in the office in the long run. It's more hygienic this way.

(I was lucky coz' at where I worked, they had a special fridge for storing breastmilk.)

If you need to keep milk frozen, you should freeze it immediately after you've expressed it out.
  Lulube was born weighing 3.2 kg


積分: 16200

發表於 05-11-2 16:30 |只看該作者

Re: 公司pump 奶mami, 星期五pump 左奶比bb 幾時食呀?


I will bring a cooler bag & totally have 4 big "freezer bricks" at office.And I will keep the milk in my cooler bag with 2 big "freezer bricks" to keep milk in low temperature and I also refresh the "freezer bricks" during office hours.

When I back to home, I will put it in the lower deck of refreigater. and let my baby drink it next day.


積分: 16200

發表於 05-11-2 16:36 |只看該作者

Re: 公司pump 奶mami, 星期五pump 左奶比bb 幾時食呀?

Hi chiuchristan

I have one more question.

Do you mean, you will keep Friday's milk in freezer at office immedaitely and transfer the milk back to home by cooler bag. And then also keep it in freezer and feed your baby on Monday.

Pls advise.


積分: 7768

發表於 05-11-2 16:59 |只看該作者

Re: 公司pump 奶mami, 星期五pump 左奶比bb 幾時食呀?

Hayes had been breastfeeding for almost 3 years, then naturally weaned by himself!

Wish Hayes with Love, Peace & Joy!!


積分: 7768

發表於 05-11-2 17:05 |只看該作者

Re: 公司pump 奶mami, 星期五pump 左奶比bb 幾時食呀?

ew911 寫道:
Hi chiuchristan

I have one more question.

Do you mean, you will keep Friday's milk in freezer at office immedaitely and transfer the milk back to home by cooler bag. And then also keep it in freezer and feed your baby on Monday.

Pls advise.

I would store mama milk in freezer until Monday morning. I would distribute or prepare for required mama milk in lower deck of refrigerator in the morning.

Hayes mama
Hayes had been breastfeeding for almost 3 years, then naturally weaned by himself!

Wish Hayes with Love, Peace & Joy!!


積分: 16200

發表於 05-11-2 17:28 |只看該作者

Re: 公司pump 奶mami, 星期五pump 左奶比bb 幾時食呀?


Thanks for your advise.



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