My helper works with us for 3yrs........ my twins are now almost 4. In the morning, my mother-in-law comes and "look" after them. Since they go to afternoon class, my mother-in-law finishes her work b4 1:00pm. Normally, my maid prepares breakfast for my hubby and twins in the morning. Then, she plays with the twins. At abt 11:30am, lunch time. 1:00pm really to school. In btw 1:00pm to 4:30pm, she does the cleaning job, e.g. tidy up the house. But the main point is: I am a pt staff in my com, so that I cook for my family; I buy the ingredients and cook after coming from work. As a result, she is able to manage the twins.
Yet, if you are ft mommy, and you have to work over time, that is another story!!!