Sync落window or google address book and then sync your win/google address book to the new phone. I did that from my HTC phone to my iPhone and I think I can do a reverse.
Please do not quote any information posted by fungwongphie. 不誠實使用電腦會構成罪行,切勿以身試法。 何謂不誠實使用電腦??
原帖由 pekkle1216 於 12-03-07 發表
請問係邊part整去window or google address book ?
響iTunes內,click iPhone,有關contacts,可以較是否sync with winndow address or other address book like google. Make sure you don't allow window address book overwrite your iPhone address book喎. 應該係merge or combine 之類, then sync your iPhone. In your desk top, you should the find your address book with all your contacts there.
Please do not quote any information posted by fungwongphie. 不誠實使用電腦會構成罪行,切勿以身試法。 何謂不誠實使用電腦??
原帖由 pekkle1216 於 12-03-07 發表
請問係邊part整去window or google address book ?
Click 'sync contacts with windows contacts'. Then choose windows contacts or google contacts. And, when necessary, click 'add contacts crests outside groups on this iPhone to....' and choose where you want them to. BUT, don't click any of these, in case next time you'll sync automatically....: