回覆 leungchama 的帖子
i wanted to have a second baby too, and for the past year, I didn't really do any exercise, and my weight increases 10lbs,
and starting last month, I started to do exercise again everyday, and now I lost about 6 lbs, still have 4 more lbs.
i think i will try to relax now, because even if i gain weight does not mean i will get pregnant, as I tried for 7 months already.
compare to my last pregnancy, i was very fit and slim, less than 100lbs, i still bingo ed...
有人說在沙漠不可能種花,但這個世界上,仍然有人去堅持,去灌溉,去相信有可能,因為開花的原因,並不在乎有沒有水,而是在乎你有沒有一份執著的信念。 ...