




積分: 24347

好媽媽勳章 大廚勳章

發表於 12-6-6 14:44 |只看該作者
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積分: 15151

hashtag影視迷勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 環保接龍勳章 親子達人勳章

發表於 12-6-6 15:14 |只看該作者
外國人唔似中國人會擺咩満月 or 百日宴
下面係一 d 普通既祝福語!

Congratulations and Best Wishes

Congratulations! May your baby be blessed!

Welcome To The New Arrival

Welcome To Your New Baby

Welcome To Your New Baby Boy/ Girl

We welcome another miracle to this world!

We welcome your dear new child to
this world with love. Congratulations!

We share in the celebration of the new life
you have created! Congratulations!

Children are the parent's riches.
Congratulations on making a bundle!

Welcome to the new little bundle of joy!

Congratulations! May your baby be blessed, his/her road forward a blessed adventure!

Congratulations, and enjoy the years together!

A little one brings so much fun!

Enjoy this special time!

Babies are special, babies are fun,
congratulations on your new little one!

Welcome to the family!

I may not be an expert on babies yet, but I sure can take care of Mom!

Children make the world a happier place.

A dream come true!!

God bless this child.

A star is born.

Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy/girl.


Congratulations, Mom and Dad!

Congratulations from all of us at _____________

A wee bit of heaven came from above.

A handful of happiness, a heart full of love

We are so excited for you and wish you all the best for the newest addition to your family! Can't wait to meet her/him!

We are so happy for both of you. Congratulations!

Welcome, baby! We are so happy you are here!

Congratulations on the new little bundle of joy, and wishing you much happiness in the years ahead!

Babies are heaven-sent!

Congratulations on your new baby girl/boy!

Of all the blessings God sends from above, most precious is a new baby to love.

A new little baby to love! Congratulations from all of us!

A baby is special, a baby is fun, congratulations on your new little one!

Welcome, Baby!

There's so much to see,
So much to do,
So much adventure
Waiting for you!

Congratulation Messages for a Baby Boy
A Baby Boy= Laughter and Noise, Hugs and Toys, and So Many Joys!

It's a Boy! What Joy!!

Little Boy Blue,
We love you!

Congratulation Messages for a Baby Girl
Congratulations on your new little princess!

Thank heaven for little girls.

A baby girl! We're tickled pink!

Congratulation Messages for Twins

Twice the joy, twice the love!

Congrats times two!

Twice blessed! Congratulations!


tuenmunbb  勁!!  發表於 12-6-6 15:19


積分: 24347

好媽媽勳章 大廚勳章

發表於 12-6-6 15:20 |只看該作者
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積分: 57267

hashtag影視迷勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 畀面勳章 親子達人勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 12-6-6 15:21 |只看該作者
KCKmom 發表於 12-6-6 15:14
外國人唔似中國人會擺咩満月 or 百日宴
下面係一 d 普通既祝福語!

you are the best!!!


積分: 54604


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