I suggest you discuss with your dr.cos it's really depends....
My exp .. In the first few mths.. Not only aspirin.. Also include injection and gave me 黃體素 to eat.. Also folic acid and cal tablets as well. So u have to trust your dr and seek his or her advice.
In the sametime I went to govt hosp for normal check up as back up hosp. Even they are not suggested me to do so and said no relationship. Of course I won't listen as govt hosp only for normal case but I am not...
Thanks for your information. I did ask my doctor but doctor let me make the decision myself. I understand her stand because I initiate to take aspirin and she said I can try but no evidence to support it can increase the successful rate.
Other medicine like progesterone and croine are still continue, I just wondered I should stop aspirin now or later because I have miscarriage before....