I also have that experiences for twice time, just came for 2 mths then found another job.. coz they can go to the Phil Embassy to sue the agent and get back the agent fee, so many maids were resigned before 3 mths and get back (2500 * 3 mths) and find a new job (pay the new agent fee around 1 mth salary only), they totally can earn around 3-4K + air ticket.
So many overseas Phil maids will find a new job within 3 mths or the current job which is really attraction (Sir & Madam go to work + dog)
Poor us.. we lost the agent fee + airticket + time + training time & energy
原帖由 leannemok 於 12-07-12 發表
I also have that experiences for twice time, just came for 2 mths then found another job.. coz they ...
Why they can sue the agent?
Same for me, I had a maid who worked for 2.5 mths only, then told me that she wanted to terminate the contract as her husband had heart diseases n went to hospital ~~~
I don't think the Immigration can help, they still approve the new visa for them again & again. HK rules won't protect the Employer. Poor us.. I've wasted for more than 20K for last 2 yrs. 2 Bun & 1 Yan resigned within 3 mths and have different reasons (homesick or hubby asked her to back home). But found they still working in HK finally. All is lier.. cheating us.
My current maid is working around 2.5 mths and wanna resign 2 due to her bf didn't answer her call & return her sms wor.. so she is black face all the time.. I asked her why she keep on black face and she said that she's not happy and wanna go home.. I said if her bf doesn't love her anymore even she back home, eventually, she will lost everything (job + money). Better to finish the contract and gain the money is the most important thing.
So troublesome.. keep make trouble for me again & again.. will let her go if she keep on like this.. Be my honest, it's a easy job at my home that I've 2 maids, she can finish job before 9.30pm and most of the time is playing with the kids..
Really don't know what they're expected??? A job do nothing but have salary!! they're all crazy!!!