




積分: 862

發表於 06-2-15 14:29 |只看該作者

What I can do?

My mother always gives things/gifts to my maid and never tell me about this even my current maid resigned and leaves not soon. She also assume the maid will not tell me. What I can do? My maid compares the treatment between me and my mother. I tried to talk to my mother but she insist to do it (to both the current one and the new one forever) and she even said I will not go to your home that I will not be familiar with her...

We do not live with my parents but nearby. My mother will always go to my home to visit my son and play with him. It's good to my son and very good before as my ex-maid treated my son not good. She came to observe her and protect my son. However, she's recently treated my current maid very friendly and always gives her things/gift though not expensive/valuable without notification. She asks me to treat the maid better no matter she is good or not in actual. She never listens what her performance is and even she never asked me why she resigned. (Actually, my current maid cannot adapt the living style in HK and the demands of HK employer. She is not willing to work in HK as a maid as it is out of her expectation. She blames to work hard and not sleep good at night due to my son sickness, especially needs to work on day off.)

Please give me advise and share your similar experience if any. Many thanks.


積分: 1

發表於 06-2-15 15:03 |只看該作者

Re: What I can do?

Dear Yan Yan,

Are u going to find another helper? My helper will leave my family and I need to find another maid, hope to find a suitable one.



積分: 6073

發表於 06-2-15 15:20 |只看該作者

Re: What I can do?

my "99" is the same as your mother. so my first maid not quite listen to me. Start from the 2nd maid, I keep on reminding the maid to definately know who is your employer and who pay you salary. And also tell her not to receive any gift/money from my "99", otherwise I will be angry on her. But of course, if maid and "99" aimed at not telling you and hiding the thing, you really can't control. "Old people" always like this. As far as you think you are fair and not bad to your maid, don't care what they think. Just ask them to do the thing they need to do.


積分: 1692

發表於 06-2-15 17:23 |只看該作者

Re: What I can do?

我媽咪响我個女剛出世時佢住响我屋企, 佢雖然冇送D乜野比工人, 但就因為我媽咪係菲律賓華僑, 佢成日都整D菲律賓送食。坐月時因為佢地有佢地食, 我有我食我就唔理佢地, 但坐完月我同媽咪講我唔鍾意食菲律賓送, 但媽咪同我講: '你唔食咁咪我同工人食囉!' 我都有一刻諗: '究竟邊個先係阿MOM?' 我唯有直接同媽咪講唔理佢地煮乜野, 總之我要有送岩我食就得。

另外, 我媽咪又會成日話我比多功夫工人做, 例如要用特別既擦去擦D奶樽, 要蒸D奶樽消毒, 要分開BB同大人衫洗 (但我都係叫工人用機洗咋喎!)... 終於有一日我忍唔住同媽咪講, 如果樣樣功夫都慳得, 我就唔駛特登請個工人返黎幫手啦!

不過有樣野好有趣, 就係明明係媽咪初初同我講唔好對工人太好, 但真係一齊相處時我就覺得佢就個工人多過就我囉。


積分: 15536

發表於 06-2-15 17:48 |只看該作者

Re: What I can do?

我呀媽又係同個工人好friend, 有時幫個工人買snack想唔收佢錢/俾d新既以前買左無著ge衫個工人....etc. 所以, 我成日要remind佢唔好對個工人太好, 如果唔係我好難做. 仲有佢有d乜想俾個工人都要問左我先.


