You can refer to this website.
Actually, your daughter is quite similar to mine.
She will at most drink 100 ml of milk each time, and she still drinks every 3 hours at almost 6 months.
In total, she can drink about 800ml of milk per day.
According to this website's info, this is actually considered normal. I also asked my lactation consultant, she says this volume & habit of milk intake is actually considered normal and don't need to worry. Some babies take in more in 1 go, some take less and drink more frequently.
Don't 'force' your baby to drink, because this makes your baby associate 'feeding' with 'punishment & fear' and hate milk even more!
I wouldn't be worried if your baby is happy, developing well, and gaining weight well.
My baby also doesn't like 米糊, so I gave her rice porridge, and luckily she likes this. You can try different types of good first foods for babies, and see how h/she reacts and respond. It may take many many trials before baby learns to like a new type of food.
Be patient and positive!