amgle^_~ 發表於 12-8-8 10:57
I'm using Britax first class plus ar, it;s quite good and safe! Britax evolva 123 plus 呢款 9個月開 ...
I'm using Britax First Class Plus too, except it has no isofix, I'm happy with it particularly it's not expensive and can use from new born to 4 years old.
King Plus vs First Class Plus
King Plus 容易install,Britax website show出黎係比較 D safety awards (e.g. ADAC/ which)
First Class Plus就可以rear facing, 不過我只搵到佢有parenting website既awards, 搵唔到佢既測試報告,有冇媽媽可以提供資料呀?
我喺中環舖買但我估佢鴨利洲間巨舖會多啲款哇。妳可以打電話問下先。我最後買咗duoplus係因為除咗isofix外最緊要可以配埋tether用。妳都應該喺Brixxx英國網頁睇到duo plus 個video,有埋tether係更加安全,唔係單係靠安全帶或isofix hold住張椅。加上價錢安理,比起亞女之前個Chicco,平二仟!亞女都好鍾意坐。
Duoplus under isoflx既test係安全過king plus, 可惜我係舊車,唔知duoplus under 安全帶 test preformance係點, 所以都係打算揀安全帶式既carseat。Anyway,謝謝你既詳盡既comments, 我問左中環有first class 同king, 打算揾日帶呀囝去試坐下,鴨利洲實在太遙遠啦 ^^ thanks !