




積分: 59

發表於 06-9-24 07:46 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?

Every HR mom,
Did your company have Account Clerk Job Opening ? I have a friend who is a mum just quite the job but she need to find another job to support her family.
she have LCC second level ,2 years accouting exp, AP, AR no full set and live KLN side
Any working HR mum company have the same position available can help her? pls pm to me. Thanks

Noddy Ma


積分: 694

發表於 06-9-25 08:16 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?

Hi! I am also in HR. Tomorrow finish maternity leave back to work :-(

1. jovyw...HR & Admin...CWB...11months/BB girl
2. scholastica.HR & Adm.North Point.13yrs(M)&6yrs(M)
3. henhen...HR&Admin...Kln Bay......9 months/BB boy
4. annaleung.....HR & Admin....Hunghom....3yrs/boy
5. priscillang.....hHR & Admin....Kwun Tong....1.5yrs/boy
6. mrs.so...HR & ADMIN.... KLN BAY...5YRS(M)/2YRS(M)
7. KimiKimi.....HR......Kwai Fong.......6months/Boy
8. Ellie To .... HR .... Wanchai .... 3 yrs/Boy
9. niklaus903....HR&A.....Tuen Mun/Chaiwan....2yrs/Boy
10. sopchang....HR&A.....TaikooShing......3yrs(girl)/2.5mths (girl & boy)


積分: 23555

發表於 06-9-26 23:17 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?

Hi All,

I am new member to this topic. I have neen working in the HR position for 8+ yrs. I quit my last job as workload too heavy (need to OT everyday and still cannot finish work). Need to take care both HR & Admin functions, but not enough time. So, most of the time, I just have a very general overview of the admin work of my staff.

I started search job for 2+ weeks. And have interview today. It's also MNC, but relatively small in company scale as well as HK employee size. And need to work as one-man-bank in HK. That means, need to DO all the daily admin work by oneself. Not sure if I really can swap back to this status.

Will have final recruitment decision within 2 days and expect candidate to report duty by early Oct. Not sure should I accept it if they give me the offer (I am one of the 3 candidates). However, if I gave up, not sure will take how long to get an other offer. I have alreay take a rest for 5 months alreay.


積分: 23269

發表於 06-9-27 22:16 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?


我都quit左份工,我係上個星期六last day ge,我明天去tst見第一份工,係一間上巿公司的子公司來的,希望會成功啦





積分: 12164


發表於 06-9-28 00:20 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?

Hi all...

One of my HR friends is yelling to call for suitable candidate to apply for their job ar...

He is looking for an Assistant HR Manager...kind of all-rounded position, a big construction company....located in Lai Chi Kok....he needs an experienced person to help him, need to work in all aspects of HR areas....I guess the workload will not be too low, but my friend (HR Manager) is an easy going guy, so at least not too tough working with him la...

Anybody interested?


積分: 23555

發表於 06-9-28 15:43 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?


I am an HR&A Manager before I quit my last job, and am looking for similar position.

How long have you been worked for the last company and what's the reason for you to quit? (just like question in every interview) Why don't you get search for a new job before you quit?

For the new job I interviewed (mentioned before), it's a one-man-bank HR Manager role and no need to take care about office admin. No more office renovation & relocation works la.

In my last job, I got numbers sub-ordinates in HK & China offices to help me on the routine works. However, my workload is still very heavy. And one of my bosses (dual reporting lines) gave me lots of small ad hoc assignment not really HR areas. 美其名"你辦事我放心", required me to have overview for many many not really HR issues before passing to get his approval :-( So, セ狗屎垃圾我都要先"過目", 煩死!

Usually, my working hours is 8:30-8:00 (official WH is 9-6). And somethings bring back home the notebook computer to work further. Before I have my daughter, I don't mind this working pattern. However, I have my daughter 2 years ago, I have changed and also found pressure from my hubby. He did not support/認同 for the way I treat towards my work. He always said: 自已攞來辛苦,分比下面d人做啦! The fact is that my HKO based sub-ordinate also working late. :-( We don't have enough headcount.

And honest speaking, I think the company pay me fair. (I have no formal training background in HKM. Only started my career in HR after joining the company. 誤打誤撞入行). So, even I decided to quit from the Company, I still thank it (all the bosses I have reported to in the past years) and feel no regret of working there.

Hope everything go well for your interview. Maybe we can meet each other in TST later.


積分: 1148

發表於 06-9-30 00:35 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?

我在喱間公司做左六年幾, 半年前 manager 走了, 我接手. OA & Amah 一向都麻麻煩煩, 以前個 manager 好忍得佢地, 加上我地三個都做左咁多年, 好多野都攪得掂, 以前個manager 又成日洗我地腦, 講到公司好好, 佢走唔多唔少都係比人逼走, 所以個 OA & Amah 都唔捨得. 我接手, 佢地唔多唔少都唔係咁服. 我諗因為我經驗少, 加上以前大家話晒都係 staff grade, 大家有講有笑. 我誠認我真係無 manage 人經驗 , 所以開頭都唔係好識叫佢地做野, 但另一方面, 我真係覺得佢地唔 support 我, 我又請番個女仔頂我以前的工作, 佢地又唔幫佢, 仲成日落井下石. 總之就麻煩. 可能個女仔係我一手請番黎, 所以佢都好 support 我, 做野都 ok, 都有d 安慰.
講左咁多廢話, 其實個爭扎係個GM 都覺得個 OA performance 差, 成日遲到, 傾電話. 叫我 outsource 佢d工作.
另外一個 GM (i report to two GM), 就唔鐘意個Amah,
暗示我抄左佢. 請過第二個人.
我應該點呢? 兩個都抄? 但我怕其他同事覺得我絕情, 升左半年就抄人.


積分: 23555

發表於 06-9-30 15:31 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?


Don't take it personaly. Think as if you are a 3rd party.

If the performance of the OA is no good, discuss directly & openly with him/her. Set time frame and review with him. If no improvement (especially the working attitdue), terminate him. Don't forget that you get the support from the GM.

While for the amah, why the other GM does not like her? subjective reasons or her performance/attitude? Also need to communicate & discuss openly with her. Unless you get "clear instruction" from the other GM (against the "暗示" only), don't take terminate action against her right now. And try to build "trust relationship" with team members. Can be friend with them but still need to have a clear message that you are the team leader of them but not only peer.

Good luck!


積分: 23555

發表於 06-9-30 15:35 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?


How's your interview today?

I have passed the final interview already. And just wait for the finalise of some minor terms for the official offer letter.

If you are going to work in TST, may be we can meet and make friends with each other. Building HR network to support each other ma! What do you think?


積分: 1148

發表於 06-9-30 21:25 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?


Thank you. Actually, I & GM discussed openly with the OA already (in June), but there is sitill no significant improvement in working attitude. Yes, u are right, to think as a 3rd party...then I think I should terminate him, because his performance & attitude is poor.

至於個 amah , 係個 GM 個人唔鐘意佢個格, 其實都有部份同事唔鐘意佢. 佢成日依依俄俄, e.g. 成日話d同事跌萬字夾落地唔執, 好似亞媽話仔咁, d 同事咪話 "如果office 咁乾淨, 就唔駛請 amah 啦.". 又例如, 我叫佢買一種朱古力開會用 , 我已講明買 0個種因為個 GM 鐘意(我地個GM 係好專權, 佢話一無人咁話二, 個個都就晒佢), 佢就會同你攪對抗, 話其他人鐘意第二種, 點解唔買. 每次都要我講到 " 總之我叫你買就買, 好唔好係GM 覺得, 你照做就得.". 至於 performance 無野可以講, 因為一個 amah 都冇咩 performance 可言, 做完d野就得. 不過佢好高人工, 喱個都係 GM 想抄佢其中一個原因, (因為我公司今年賺少左, 所以要 cost down) .
sunshine, 我真係覺得做 manager 好吃力, 好想放棄, 做番 officer 就算. 我 u grad 後, 誤打誤撞做左 admin 兩年,根住就入左依間公司 做 hr & admin, 中間經過結緍, 911, sars , 生 bb , 所以做做下,做左六年, 咁啱個 manager 走, 有機會, 我梗係攞埋個 title 先走. 但其實我個人無咩大志, 我夠錢用就得, 寧願早d番屋企倍個女 (一歲大). 我應該捱落去嗎?


積分: 376

發表於 06-9-30 22:46 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?

Hi, 各位媽媽,

我以前做IT獵頭,因為IT難做,轉做general post like secretary, admin and HR, 因為做著好多年,轉唔到行。



積分: 23555

發表於 06-10-1 12:17 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?


I am not a ambition person, but I have high committment towards work (過得自已才過得人),儍人有儍福 and being promoted as HRA manager for years.

One point that I don't agree with you: "我應該捱落去嗎?" You have to change your attitude & to "LOVE" your job. To love a job, I don't mean working long hours. Only if you like & love your job, you will enjoy the process.

Besides, you cannot turn back the clock: "覺得做 manager 好吃力, 好想放棄, 做番 officer 就算".


積分: 391

發表於 06-10-2 01:20 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?



而我也同時讀緊hkma 的HR COURSE,我都想知市價一個新入HR FIELD 的人大約有幾多人工呢?


積分: 3548

發表於 06-10-2 11:10 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?

I think you need to talk to the OA and the amah regarding their performance. Give them clear guidelines and unbiased feedback, but make sure they understand what you expect of them. If their work attitude and performance do not improve within 1 month, I think you'd better terminate them. One can acquire skills and knowledge, but attitude is the most difficult part to change. No need to consider whether other people think you are a killer. Sometimes it is just being fair to the company not to keep unperforming staff.


積分: 1148

發表於 06-10-2 22:20 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?

Thanks. I know I said too much negative words.


積分: 1148

發表於 06-10-2 22:21 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?

doublei, thank you.


積分: 8476

發表於 06-10-3 22:52 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?

二小姐, sunshine,
Wish you good luck in your job search!

If I were you, I think it's no need to use negative words as they are very junior position and very easy to replace; they should know who is in charge of the "game", good that you have "support" from management, better interview them individually to find out what they are thinking and why they behave like that, try to build up trust (tho difficult) and let them know you are giving them chance to improve, otherwise, the company will not pay for someone working against the team - you need a team to work for the same goal, not attacking from within. For me, I prefer "talking", communication really helps in boosting morale and relationships.

Hey hey, I have a tax-related issue to ask ah Some of our staff are granted a mobile phone subsidy, they have to fill in petty cash form each month for the reimbursement; however, I ask my AM to put it as a pay item in the payroll system so that they dont need to do the paper work; but she said if she does so, it will be taxable ~ a kind of cash income, what do you think?


積分: 23555

發表於 06-10-4 12:08 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?


What your AM said is correct. It will be taxable item (subject for tax payment) if you pay them in nature of cash subsidy. It will be tax-free (not subject to tax) if it's in nature of reimbursement.


積分: 8476

發表於 06-10-4 21:13 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?

Hi sunshine,
In fact, we have a limit for the reimbursement claim, i.e., HK$50 per month, so I think even we are now through petty cash, it's still a fixed income

Do you gals have early off this Friday? I can leave at 3.30 ah In my previous company, it is 1/2 day off


積分: 1148

發表於 06-10-4 21:43 |只看該作者

Re: 有無媽媽做HR呀?

Yes, even by petty cash, mobile phone subsidy aslo a kind of taxable income. 不過因為數目大細, 好多公司都會唔報稅, 當係所謂實報實鎖, 我公司都係用 petty cash reimburse 比同事, 當然都係唔報稅啦. 如果你放入 payroll, 咁就一定要報稅喎.
我之前去過一個 seminar, 發現原來好多所謂實報實鎖的費用, 都算係 taxable income e.g. OT allowance, OT tansportation . 個 point 係 "公司用現金比左津貼員工". 除非公司直接比餐廳/的士佬, 咁就唔係員工收入.
不過, 我諗你都知大部份公司都唔會報咁濕碎的數啦.


