




積分: 15515

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[size=15.199999809265137px]BabyEinstein 小小愛因斯坦看世界全套【26碟DVD】

[size=15.199999809265137px]26 DVD Collection

[size=15.199999809265137px]內容以輕鬆音樂及簡單英文為主, 以很多BB 真人及實物拍攝(非卡通人物的), 講述BB
一舉一動及週邊事物, 特別適合初生婴兒(3個月至二歲)


[size=15.199999809265137px]The Walt Disney company
[size=15.199999809265137px]"Great Minds Start Little invented by a mom to reflect a baby's unique perspective" These videos enrich, stimulate, and provide boundless opportunities fo you and your little one to interact with each other!"
小小愛因斯坦(Baby Einstein)系列產品由美國迪士尼公司隆重推出 ,採用日常生活中的物品、音樂、藝術、語言、科學、自然和詩歌,以寶寶的角度為出發點,利用構圖清晰、色彩鮮明的畫面,搭配旁白與悅耳動聽的音樂,以好玩有趣的方式吸引寶寶探索周圍的環境,進而培養觀察力、想像力,以及對物體、顏色、語言、音樂等方面的敏銳度,讓寶寶的潛能



[size=15.199999809265137px]1 .Baby Noah Animal Expedition DVD
A musical introduction to animals around the globe
Features bonus language learning with Spanish, French and English tracks
Includes the music of Beethoven, Mozart and Strauss

2 Baby da Vinci From Head to Toe DVD
Baby's first introduction to their eyes, ears, hands, feet and more!
Features Spanish, English and French language tracks for added learning.
Includes the engaging music of Vivaldi, Bach and Handel

3 Baby MacDonald A Day on the Farm DVD
A fun-filled introduction to the sights and sounds of a farm
Features live-action images and engaging visuals of puppets, children, toys and real-world objects
Combines traditional nursery rhymes with the beautiful music of Schubert, Schumann and Strauss

4 Baby Bach Musical Adventure DVD
Multiple award-winner including the Dove Foundation Family Approved Seal
Visually stimulating
Features many of Bach's favourite compositions

5 Baby Beethoven Symphony of Fun DVD
Dr. Toy's 100 BEST Children's Product 2002
Featuring many of Beethoven's favourite compositions

6 Baby Mozart Music Festival DVD
Parenting Video of the Year” (1998)
Visually stimulating real-world objects
Features many of Mozart's favourite compositions

7 Baby Galileo Discovering the Sky DVD
Parenting Media "2003 Great Holiday Product Awards" (2003)
Baby's first introduction to the sky above!
Features captivating footage of the sky, planets and galaxies
Features musical scores by Mozart, Chopin, Strauss and Tchaikovsky

8 Baby Neptune Discovering Water DVD
Parent's Choice Recommendation (2003)
Baby's first introduction to water
Features the melodic scores of Handel's Water Music

9 Baby N ewton Discovering Shapes DVD
KIDS FIRST! endorsement
Introduces your baby to five shapes
Features many of Vivaldi's favourite compositions

10 Baby Santa's Music Box DVD
Joyeux Noel! Feliz Na vidad! Buon Natale! Merry Christmas!
Celebrate with holiday musical sounds from around the world

11 Baby Shakespeare World of Poetry DVD
Dr. Toy's Best Children Vacation Products
Recipient of the Dove Foundation Family approved seal and endorsed by Kids first
Poetry in Motion with real world images
Features award winning Baby Beethoven soundtrack

12 Baby Van Gogh World of Colors DVD
Kids First! Endorsement
Exposes your baby to the wonder of colour through Van Gogh's artwork
Introduces your baby to classical music selections from Van Gogh's era

13 Language Nursery DVD
Multiple award-winner includingParents'Choice "arents' Choice Award" (1997)
Exposes your baby to sounds of languages
A great way to interact with your child

14 Neighborhood Animals DVD
Kids First! Endorsement
Meet animals that live in and around the home
Complimented by our Animal Discovery Cards
Engaging music from the 19 th and early 20 th centuries

[size=15.199999809265137px]15 Numbers Nursery DVD
A playful and interactive introduction to the numbers 1 through 5
Uses familiar, real-world objects to show what numbers mean
Features the melodic scores of Haydn, Chopin, Strauss and Schubert

16 World Animals DVD
Discover animals from the jungle, savannah and ocean
Complimented by World Animal Discovery Cards
Features music from the 19th and early 20th centuries

17 Baby Monet Discovering the Seasons
Discover the seasons,Spring, Summer, Winter, Autumn
Features music from the 19th and early 20th centuries

[size=15.199999809265137px]18 Baby Wordsworth First Words Around the House
A musical introduction to baby's first words and communication
Includes the music of Bach, Bizet and Schubert.

[size=15.199999809265137px]19 Baby Einstein On The Go - riding, sailing and soaring
A musical introduction to transportation and "things that go."
Includes spectacular real-life images with classical music by Haydn, Beethoven, Mozard and Rossini

20 Baby Einstein Meet the Orchestra - First Instruments

[size=15.199999809265137px]First Instruments introduces your little one to musical instruments that make up an orchestra and the different sounds that they make.
Features multi-language viewing options in English French and Spanish
Includes spectacular real-life images with classical music by Beethoven, Brahms, Joplin, Haydn, Mozart and Strauss.

21 Baby's Favorite Places - First Words Around Town - Just Released

[size=15.199999809265137px]22 Baby Einstein: Baby's first Moves

23 Baby Einstein: My First Signs - See and Sign with Baby
(2007 release)

[size=15.199999809265137px]24 Discovering Shapes circles, squares, and more

25 Lullaby time soothing sounds for baby




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發表於 13-4-26 01:39 |只看該作者


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積分: 941

發表於 13-4-28 00:33 |只看該作者

回覆:【Baby Einstein小小愛因斯坦看世界】26碟DVD$150包平郵

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