I think it mostly depends on the parents' hard work!!. Even there is Chinese school in Canada, it only teaches once per week.
I buy a set of chinese card published by Taiwan Publisher . It is very useful. My kids can recognize the chinese words by learning the pictures. The card set is called " 有趣的文字"
Also, you can also buy these kindergarten exercise books in HK local book store. And encourage your kids to do these exercise.
I think all we can do is that at this moment. I also believe that learning Chinese is very important.
小朋友講中文我要求成句都係中文,不可又中又英,一聼到有英文我唔會睬佢,我個小朋友比6299教壞曬,“聼日返唔返school",”我要do D important野“,因爲佢地自己都係咁講,每次聽到佢地咁講我就無明火起,試過明示暗示講中文唔可以咁,但老人家好難改變陋習,唉,我唔想我小朋友番香港比人笑呀。
kellyfan - if you have lived in other countries for few years, then you should be o.k. la. the main important is how your kid adopt to the new enviornment by loosing all his/her buddies...
My girl is outgoing and she can still mingle
With people quite easily.. Plus she now
Mixes with ppl of different nationalities too. Just not sure if we adults can get a reasonable job as the unemployment rate is high there ,.. Maybe ended up losing clerical job...