Would you mind to advise is it good for the cleaing lotion ? I am not sure is it cost HK$1,xxx la.....sometimes, I found that the magaize have the price indicated.
我系今年年頭買左一樽60ml既La Mer Cream試下,因為系冬天,加上我用開既cream吾夠潤,所以咪試下La Mer Cream囉!60ml要$1700,而30ml就好似要$950,La Mer Cream仲可以搽埋眼呀!不過到左3、4月就要轉佢隻lotions啦,因為開始轉季,春天用cream就潤左D,lotions就岩岩好,但都一樣系咁保濕架,我依家仲用埋佢隻eye balm,都用到第二瓶啦,呢隻eye blam仲可以搽埋系有笑紋或前額有紋既地方架,佢隻toner同埋refining facial都好用,我系TST Lancrawford既La Mer專櫃買product架,果度D sales姐姐服務都ok架!
I am using La Mer eye cream from 2001 to present ( 5 years already), it is good for me, I am sensitive to other brand eye cream, but only La Mer cream is suitable for me. :-P