New Access Control System has been installed; the system will record the time and replace existing attendance book. Please remember valid the card individually when you enter to the office. If you do not bring the card, you can enter your personal code and password, the first 5 digits is your personal and the last 4 digit is the system password, your personal no. is 123456789。Thank you for your attention.
The new security system oneself installs, the system can substitute for the existing registration method and the recorded time, enters the company to tighten at times records must pat the card, if has not carried the computer card, also may input your individual serial number and the password, five numeral for the independent individual serial number, the tail four numerals is the front door password, your individual number is 123.456789 million
The new security system had been installed. The system would replace the existing registration method, it would record time. When entering the company, please remember to pat your card. If you forget to carry the computer card, you may input your personal serial number and the password. Please note that first five digits would be your individual serial number and the last four digits would be the front door password. Your personal number is 123456789.
The New Access Control System had been installed to replace the existing registration method. Please place your card at the sensor when enter the office. The time of entry to the office would be recorded automatically. Alternatively, you may input your personal identification number and the password upon entry. Your personal identification number is 123456789 (The first five digits are your individual serial number and the last four digits would be the password to the office front door).
Please do not quote any information posted by fungwongphie. 不誠實使用電腦會構成罪行,切勿以身試法。 何謂不誠實使用電腦??