佢 last saturday 黎試工, ok 啦, 都係一般清潔工作, 所以今個 monday 就開始第一日, 我係用佢一, 三 and friday, (當佢 afternoon 黎做野時, 係得佢自己一個 in my home ), 但我地發覺佢第一日黎就 開tv 睇, 因為我地慣性每晚睇完 tv會將個電制 off 埋, 但星期一晚當我老公開 tv 時發覺個制開左 不過唔係我地開嘅..... 咁其實應唔應該同個清潔阿姐講番呢 ? 你地用開果 d 係點架 ?
We use Plasma gei.....need to switch on a lot of other appliances to watch TV......sometimes I found that the helper will turn on the TV gar.....but since the others are not on....only black screen lor.......could it be accidentally touched gar jar ??
You may tell her to be careful not to turn on the TV unintentionally and hope she will stop automatically lar.
Please do not quote any information posted by fungwongphie. 不誠實使用電腦會構成罪行,切勿以身試法。 何謂不誠實使用電腦??
tkoeasy 寫道:
佢 last saturday 黎試工, ok 啦, 都係一般清潔工作, 所以今個 monday 就開始第一日, 我係用佢一, 三 and friday, (當佢 afternoon 黎做野時, 係得佢自己一個 in my home ), 但我地發覺佢第一日黎就 開tv 睇, 因為我地慣性每晚睇完 tv會將個電制 off 埋, 但星期一晚當我老公開 tv 時發覺個制開左 不過唔係我地開嘅..... 咁其實應唔應該同個清潔阿姐講番呢 ? 你地用開果 d 係點架 ?