新加坡讀書一d都唔輕鬆!由幼稚園至中學, 我覺得仲辛苦過香港. 成績比較得太厲害. 佢地好簡單, 小六試result計分, 高分就去好學校, low mark 就去差d的學校, 佢地看分數看得好重. 但有一個好處, 就是能力相若的學生group在一起, 可能對學習會好d.
我有relative 在singapore attending kindergarten - secondary 4 (=F.5), they have to attend all sorts of tutorial classes, even more so than HK.
of course there are exceptional.
their classes start very early, about 7-7:30am and often coming home late.
i will say that the pressure in singapore is higher than HK.
Their english standard is better, since they use to speak english at school, thus reading newspaper and books in english. but their chinese standard is....i would say, the other way round as the english standard in HK.
they like watching chinese tvb show though!
this is just something that i've seen and experienced of my relatives, it really depends on what you're expecting eg ?better education, ?academic, ?english standard --> maybe. but if you're expecting a more 'relaxing' study environment for the kid then singapore is just as 'high pressure' as HK, maybe more.
i think they do have lots of these ranking list for schools. of course, if the kid study well with good academic result, then singapore's education may be suitable!