How old is your son? If you find out he is allergic to some medications, you should tell your surgeon.
You may ask the followings:
1) How long is the operation?
2) When will he wake up after the surgery?
3) When can he start eating/drinking?
4) How to ease his pain? Should the doctor prescribe some pain killer?
5) How should u take care of his wound?
6) Do you need to clean/disinfect the wound area while at home?
7) Do you need to 拆線?
8) When will the wound completely recover?
9) How big is the wound?
10) Is there a chance inguinal hernia (小腸氣) will come back in the future?
11) Can he take a bath when he gets home?
12) What should not be eaten? (介ロ?)
Sorry sorry, haha, I am here and saw the message from you two. I was wondering where were you two last week...I miss you two as well.
How are your babies? I believe they grow healthily and happily. Mine is doing great! He's now 7 months and 1 week, got 2 teeth and can walk for few steps already (of course, with little help). Time really flies eh?
Don't over worry about the surgery, it is a very common and easy ones. We, hihirita, Froggy_joe and some other moms have the same experience so I know it's difficult to ask you to relax and not to worry about it at this moment. If you need any help/answers from us, just let us know.
hihirita, 妳就好啦可以claim到insurance. 我只claim到少少 (唔多1/3), 好惨! 因為我baby小腸氣係未買insurance之前發現wor...but 算啦我哋都冇唸住claim到. 最緊要baby冇事. 錢可以慢慢揾慢慢save.
hihirita, 妳好返未? 係唔係flu? Take care lar...but your boy is so cute and sweet!
Froggy_joe, 係呀, 見到baby而家識行, 識攬住人錫, 識攞住BB cookie餅食, 又識得用杯sip sip sip 咁飲水, 我覺得佢大個咗好多, 又sweet, 又cute. 我要好好珍惜lee個moment, no take two架! 雖然而家最痴都係我, 但我已好驚佢將來唔痴我, hahaha!